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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i may be mistaken but don't most insurances not cover acts of god? i believe you need a seperate policy to cover a flood as it is an act of god. also, not every insurance company will offer this type of insurance, you may have to obtain it through the federal gov.
  2. Jets are pretty good.
  3. if indeed we get the number 1 pick, it would be nice if we found out whether or not Allen is going to be our franchise qb. that knowledge could potentially impact what we do with our draft position.
  4. if the OP hadn't resurrected it continually, it would have died it's natural death. everytime it threated to slip into oblivion, the OP had to resurect it with a article that was already posted elsewhere on the forum.
  5. Shirley, you can't be serious.
  6. okay, not really but this just has to get posted...
  7. it sure doesn't seem like there is an actual plan for Allen.
  8. was a cigarette enjoyed afterwards?
  9. well, technically we really didn't spend any time in the Sound at all. we got there a day earlier than many who came out and due to the staggered arrival of those arriving a day earlier, we really never left the Sea-Tac airport hotel until the following morning on our way out to Moclips. i really wanted to visit the Pike Place Market but alas events dictated otherwise.
  10. having a blonde moment here... TPS?
  11. so, your saying it's gonna get worse?
  12. apologies for not posting a blow by blow account of the train ride. after tending to the needs of close to 40 people for 10 days, i was mentally exhausted and just needed the train ride home to decompress gracefully. i will offer some thoughts/observations though to kind of put some closure to this thread. overall, the train experience was a positive one for me. however the same will not be said for the girl i transported across statelines. she expressed that she didn't think her bones could do that again. as i said though, i am a construction guy and as such am a bit used to a rougher side than others might be. the ride out was a bit tough because i think i may have gotten a total of 10 hours sleep over the span of three days. the Lake Shore Limited is an older train than the one we rode from Chicago to Seattle. as such was much harder to enjoy oneself on. the Empire Builder was roomier and had greater ammemities to enjoy which made the trip bearable. i'm not sure why, but i was able to sleep on the way back much more easily than i was on the way out perhaps anticipation of the event that was to come helped play a part in my lack of being able to sleep. conversely, perhaps it was the sheer exhaustion that played a role in my being able to sleep on the return trip. unknown to me really but i'm sure both played parts. the scenery was simply beautiful. the Glaciers and the Cascades are not to be missed if you ever get the opportunity. especially along the mighty Columbia between Portland and Spokane (we took the train out of Portland on the return trip), very majestic. we also traveled through a number of the wildfires that atre plaguing the west these days, what a terrible experience for the people that live there that has to be. it was terrible enough to travel through, i couldn't imagine living through it all. no, we didn't see any of the famed Sasquatch while there, though that would have been an experience to keep. ? all in all, i would/will do it again.
  13. lmao. fantastic .gif im sure that there will be some who feel this way.....
  14. ur an idiot. there i've said it.
  15. starting doesn't mean what it used to mean.
  16. that's funny, last i heard, he was wallowing in the pit of self misery and despair.
  17. ahh, yes. that they do, thank you for the context.
  18. that's just par for the course.
  19. nice video, thanks for posting. didn't quite understand the clips of 'wide right' or 'homerun throw back' along with a few assorted others being included in the middle segment though.
  20. is that Joey Bosa's foot?
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