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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. face criminal charges for slamming a table? how exactly does that work?
  2. next thing you know, shoulda/woulda/coulda will be taking over the air waves..... reality, so close yet so far away.....
  3. feel bad for a man playing a kids game? seriously? did he lose his big girl panties or something? role models are everywhere if you look close enough. it is just that asshats are everywhere these days and they obscure the positive. the time for looking for external saviours should have passed long ago, unfortunately it has not.
  4. that must have been some trick. holding her down, placing his hand over her mouth and turning up the music, all at the same time to conceal her protests. :eyeroll:
  5. i guess there's no getting away from Schoop for you!
  6. must be a progressive lib waiting in the wings.
  7. wow, that is a MSM article? there may be hope yet....
  8. i guess the take away here is that the really scary thing is that DiFi thought this warranted sending it along to the FBI. or was it that the FBI sent it along to the Whitehouse.....
  9. just curious... how many of your postings are merely democratic talking points? smarter goes without saying. btw, mornin' tibs.
  10. i don't know that there were political dirty tricks in this instance. Collins pretty much shot himself in the foot, didn't he? would it have been better for the information to come out after the election? if the indictment was bogus, wouldn't Collins have continued to fight it and have stayed in the race?
  11. i hope you don't get trampled when the truth run you over.
  12. hey man, i just learned my new linguistic term for the day. snotphucking. thanks! typical lib. it's all fun and games until it's in their backyard. pathetic......
  13. i agree. it should be flying upside down.
  14. die Haltung, über das Missgeschick eines anderen Freude zu empfinden
  15. i agree in principal. no one is/should be above the law. however, let me say unequivocally, you are an idiot.
  16. yep, cows are a diety in India. don't !@#$ with them.
  17. if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, it's yours. if it doesn't, it never was. or the slightly more popular... if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, it's yours. if it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it!
  18. i still want to see the same thing i have wanted to see every year since 2001. i want to see us crush the Patriots by a score of 51-3.
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