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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i know Elon Musk isn't a mayor but he apparently thinks the whole world should have the internet. his Starlink service will begin beta in three months.
  2. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1255229195376037889
  3. https://twitter.com/jbenton/status/1255160119261790208
  4. more evidence of an overreaction. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1255137147658498060
  5. Brian Cates take on what is going down with the sealed documents and more in a Threadreaderapp unroll.
  6. Illinois Judge Overturns Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order Extension
  7. please tell me that's a Babylon Bee parody... i know it's not but... holy *****....
  8. not sure if you're responding to my first sentence or the second. i am going to assume by the context that it is the second you are referencing. from your article... Tyson Foods takes out full-page ad: 'The food supply chain is breaking' ... "There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," ...
  9. it is actually holding up better than i had imagined it would. we are however at a point where, unless things change, you are going to see evidence of these breakdowns at your local supermarkets.
  10. this is a double edged sword. if they want a bail out, they can be required to open their books... they *might not want to do that.
  11. Dirty uses voice to text, due to his condition, so not everything comes through right. you will notice a good many misspellings on his tweets.
  12. there is always a back story, always. https://twitter.com/KarluskaP/status/1254059664834277377
  13. ummm... isn't the definition of 'undecided' some who has yet to make up their mind? you're an idiot.
  14. the thing is... he has so many sock puppet accounts, outside of the mods, how would one know if he stopped posting or not?
  15. of course this is almost impossible to prove. however, if one were to look at the curve for say Sweden, whom did not lockdown and compare it to the US, they are almost identical.
  16. you're missing the Forest for the trees. being... light has a long history of combating viruses and the outrage on the Left over what Trump said is ludicrous. Trump was more than likely trying to summarize what some of his experts were talking about. the Left, as usual sensationalizes everything to the opposite extreme.
  17. https://twitter.com/no_silenced/status/1254190740038508544
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF9XRXtqRHg&feature=emb_logo
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