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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. no. it is not a question of whether or not i liked Allen (which i did, ftr) , it is a matter of objectively seeing something without bias. it is simply, the ball was underthrown, nothing more, nothing less.
  2. i wasn't disputing the throw, just the statement that the CB was over the top. he wasn't. umm, no. no he wasn't. not sure what you are watching.
  3. i wouldn't let anything Steve Buerlein has to say bother me.
  4. CB was not over the top. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/allen-shows-off-his-arm-on-57-yard-completion underthrown in my estimation.
  5. i don't know that, 'perhaps' is definitive. nor is, 'on the verge'. making claims that are derfinitive based upon that is ill advised at best.
  6. UPDATE: In a statement, Davis explained his decision to retire Sunday: This isn't how I pictured retiring from the NFL. But in my 10th NFL season, I have been doing what my body has been programmed to do: Get ready to play on game day. I've endured multiple surgeries and played through many different injuries throughout my career and, over the last few weeks, this was the latest physical challenge. But today on the field, reality hit me fast and hard: I shouldn't be out there anymore. I meant no disrespect to my teammates and coaches. But I hold myself to a standard. Mentally, I always expect myself to play at a high level. But physically, I know today that isn't possible, and I had an honest moment with myself. While I was on the field, I just didn't feel right, and I told the coaches, 'I'm not feeling like myself.' I also wondered: Do I want to keep sacrificing? And truthfully, I do not because the season is long, and it's more important for me and my family to walk away healthy than to willfully embrace the warrior mentality and limp away too late. This was an overwhelming decision, but I'm at peace with myself and my family. I choose to be grateful to God for allowing me to play the game that I have loved as a boy until I turned 30 years old. I choose to be grateful to God for being a part of the NFL and making lifelong friends over the last decade. There were roadblocks and pitfalls along the way, but I am grateful to God for all of it because he doesn't promise any of us an easy journey. Lastly, I am grateful to God for what he has in store for me ahead, in this next chapter of my life.
  7. this is going to sound critical of our running game and particularly Shady but I don't mean it to. i mostly love Shady and love that he can break a defenders ankles with his jukes. what i don't love is the constant sideways action at the line of scrimmage and tackles for loss or minimal gain that a straight ahead runner would have exploited for an acceptable gain. as a team, we are not in a position of being able to overcome, on a regular basis the highs and lows Shady presents. instead we would be much better served to get that 3/4 yards and a cloud of dust. i believe it would also help in our prized assets development to have that steady production and not be behind the 8-ball with regularity.
  8. i did lay out my observations earlier in this thread. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/208884-low-expectations-245-passing-is-something-to-build-on/?do=findComment&comment=5316001
  9. alright, no worries. i was basing my understanding upon your subsequent posts trying to back up your position that he would claim injury to get his salary. my apologies if my perception was off.
  10. i would say that from this observers eye, the positives and negatives were about equal. with that being said, i would agree, he has lots of room for improvement. i also liked very many of the things he displayed yesterday as well.
  11. i am being a man. your right, you don't have to agree with me. but to sit there and try to defend your position that Vontae will somehow claim injury to get his salary is that of being off on a lark to a large degree. especially when he was not injured when he left the field. again, just my opinion but you are off in left field trying to defend a ludacris position. you may be right but even if he claims that, he has an uphill battle.
  12. i think that if one is being fair, they must also look for the positives. if one has a negative mindset though, they will not see very many positives.
  13. being hung over is always an acceptable excuse. most times it is just better to quit while your behind. and i'm referring to you, not Vontae....
  14. you do understand that the video was a spoof, right?
  15. i don't know that that applies to someone who quits.
  16. i think Tyrod actually played a pretty good game yesterday. however, the outcome was much the same as it was here for years. trust me on this, by the end of the season, if not soooner, you will be begging for him to go away. with the head cases (Landry) you guys have at the receiver position, i fully expect there to be a mutiny because Tyrod will not throw the ball enough.
  17. im'a go out on a limb here and say that this game is actually close, perhaps closer than the final score will indicate. oh boy, this doesn't bode well for my prediction....
  18. as i said in one of Kirby's threads, there was some good and some bad yesterday. yes there were some encouraging signs, such as him standing tall in the pocket, displaying a good pocket presence. knowing when to step up, when to move laterally, just a good general awareness of the people around him. the ability to keep his eyes down field while all the chaos of pocket mechanics are going on around him is excellent for a rook in his first start. he displayed his fantastic arm strength and an ability to put some mustard on the ball. there were also some concerning aspects. including touch on short passes, ball placement, not seeing the entire field and a general lack of knowing where the soft spot in the D should be. the second interception was just a bad pass all the way around, he should not have thrown that pass unless it was over the head of the receiver. i don't know if it was bad footwork or what but you can't make those passes. of course the negatives in his game should be correctable, the question is, will they get corrected. these concerns are ones that he had coming out of college, though he has worked hard to correct them and it does appear that he is making progress. playing with sub-par talent around him isn't the best way to advance that learning curve but if he is going to be good, he will make those advances regardless, albeit just with a few more growing pains. it is simply too early to say one way or the other with any sort of real definite knowing where he will shake out. there are encouraging signs and concerns but until a better picture is formed, all we can do is watch at this point and hope he turns into what we all hope he will.
  19. some good and some bad today. Allen sure did display some of the traits to say that he could potentially be a franchise qb. he also displayed some traits that leave one scratching their head. he is a rook so it is to be expected. if we didn't see the upside then it would be problematic. too early to tell in my estimation. looking forward to the season playing out for a better context to develop.
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