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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. did you just fall off the turnip truck? i'm thinking you need to put some weight behind this prediction. if they win what about eating a peach or something.
  2. oh yeah, get ready for sub .500 ball because it's coming.
  3. Jarvis Landry after he melts down because Tyrod isn't getting him the ball enuf?
  4. long term success.... both trenches and up the middle of the D.
  5. yeah, i edited my post to explain what post i was referring to. you probably had the thread open before my edit explaining as much. apologies.
  6. now you want to compare apples to oranges? just stop please.
  7. not to break your self aggrandisement any but... even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
  8. again, this may have just been a miscommunication. outside shoulder as opposed to an inside shoulder throw. actually, referring to the post you quoted. bad form on my part.
  9. seriuosly? what is it your looking for here? a or something?
  10. lol. you just like to dig that hole don't you. oye.
  11. as has been answered already, yes he was on the roster. however it is quite possible you may be thinking of Ronnie Pitts. he of the days just prior to our glory years.
  12. that will have to come out of anything Davis gets to keep is my guess. no, Vontae. anyone can judge. it is just believed that god is the ultimate judge.
  13. Bills can recoup most of Vontae Davis' salary With the news that Bills cornerback Vontae Davis decided to retireat halftime during yesterday’s 31-20 loss, many people are wondering what happens with his salary. According to a report from Spotrac, the Bills have already paid Davis around $4 million through various bonuses and guarantees. The good news for the team is that due to the odd circumstances surrounding the retirement, the Bills should be able to recoup over $3 million of it, leaving Davis with a little under $1 million for his brief stint in Buffalo. ...
  14. i say two picks. a conditional 5th next year and a 6th the following year.
  15. a clinical statement as to one's mindset? i stand by my assertion.
  16. i know enough to never try to understand the demons that plague another being. nor the strength of that particular person and where they may be in their quest. if one wanted to say that the chances are not good , that is an entirely different ball of wax. i just know that you never want to count someone out completely.
  17. previously i was critical of Josh's second interception. after watching all the throws, i may be off in that estimation. while his footwork was not perfect, it may have been more of a miscommunication with the receiver. you can see Josh throws it where had the receiver broke out instead of up, he would have probably hit the receiver.
  18. again, i dispute your take. first off, i don't know how you can say being a yard and a half back of Zay, is being on his right hip. secondly, i'm not sure but i don't believe back shoulder throws require the receiver to whoa up for 5 yards before the ball gets there. of course i have been wrong before so, ya know.....
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