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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. okay, this is absolutely fantastic. everyone needs to make this viral and upload a screenshot of their frontpage. fan!@#$ingtastic, Tom.
  2. sounds like he may quit even before halftime.
  3. Putin on Israel’s role in Il-20 downing: ‘Looks accidental, like chain of tragic circumstances’
  4. sorry to hear about the 82 yr old patriarch, things like this are never easy. i agree, Allen's poise exceeds that of a rook. let's hope it helps parlay the other aspects of his learning curve.
  5. what can i say, i'm good at grabbing low hanging fruit.
  6. you have a severe case of affluenza don't you?
  7. thanks. so it was a miscommunication on Josh's end then, the receiver made the right break and Josh read the wrong one. these types of reads should be easy to correct.
  8. the only fitting end to Brady's career would be for the Bills to end it for him.
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