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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. apologies for what you are going through Sassy, sorry to hear it. the child should be the foremost of focus and what is best for him/her.
  2. well, it depends. if his other hand has the index finger pointing straight out, it might be the universal signal for 'happy ending'.
  3. when it comes to certain qb's, yes. Rodgers is a franchise QB, quite possibly the best in the league. sure he could be the reason in some games but he sure as hell wasn't in the Vikings game. i'm not trying to be mean here but if you can't see that, i am sorry, there is nothing i would be able to say to you that would make you understand that. you either get it or you don't. no worries, it happens. thank you for addressing that and clearing it up though.
  4. sure. i wasn't commenting on anything other than i didn't address it originally, so i responded again to address the addendum. just wanted to point out that it wasn't there originally.
  5. i see you edited your post to include the last sentance. what has this got to do with shineola? what Rodgers and what Taylor do can not even be remotely compared and besides, i'll say yet again, quit trying to work delusions into the narrative. shoulda/woulda/couldas are futile and have no bearing on what actually happened. yeah, i didn't think you would respond.
  6. does the left hand know what the other left hand is doing?
  7. wot? #fakenews please provide evidence to support your claim. i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  8. shoulda/woulda/coulda can we just leave delusions behind and deal with reality please.
  9. the answer is within your post, so you most likely are not as dumb as you might think, with regard here. they want to deny Kavanaugh because he is viewed as a stauch conservative and if he is put onto the Court, he will heavily tip the scales with a conservative slant. if they can deny him or postpone the confirmation hearing until after the mid terms, by winning the majority, they are hoping that they will be able to deny him outright by a vote. also, if they hold a majority, they can prevent the seat being filled by any other stauch conservative and force Trump to nominate, at minimum a moderate which would better serve their agenda. i believe the court is considered to be an even split right now with Chief Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito, and Justice Anthony Kennedy all leaning right and Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Stephen Breyer, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor all leaning left. so if Kavanaugh gets on, it will tilt the court to the right and it is widely suspected that RBG may not outlast Trump, so they are doubly scared.
  10. actually, no. Allen looked nothing like Tyrod. Allen displays a calm and awareness in the pocket that Tyrod will never have.
  11. i see you still haven't taken the Tyrod Fathead down from the ceiling over your bed yet.
  12. yeah, he wouldn't even feel my member. tiny keyboard or phat finger syndrome i suppose...
  13. yeah, NYDN is just another subsidiary of the SJW Weekly Standard. move along, nothing to see here... Uncle Tom, maybe.
  14. i'm guessing that my comment is somehow related then. no, it isn't visible to us plebs.
  15. a bit of a tangent here... does anyone else find it particularily ironic that a womens right movement has the tag, PoundMeToo?
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