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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. lol. just so as ya know, lying doesn't change the law.
  2. can we go off on the tangets tanget here for a sec? with regard to the member you are referring to, i believe he called you a mother!@#$er because his perception, and i'm sure many others included, is that you don't fight fair. to have the respect you desire, you must be consistent in your position. as long as one is consistent, they have to be respected for their stance. that does not mean that they have to be agreed with, only that they be given a certain level of respect within said discourse. further, i think said members position is borne out of arguing with idiots. one can get awful tired of trying to lead the horses to water when the horses continually try to put up a resistance to the walk. personally, for the most part, i find his/her arguments to be quite sound in their basis and if one displays an honest and even handed dialogue, then much can be had from conversing with them. this is the internet and as i said to you some time ago, big girl panties are required. sure you can have an ego but be prepared to have it rammed right back at you and shoved down your throat. as someone once said, life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you deal with what happens to you. the same goes for the internet and your reactions therewithin. if you don't find value in something, i suggest you look for other avenues. that you remain suggests to me that there is a certain level of value here, for you. the Bills haven't always sucked, not in my lifetime anyways. tomorrow is a new day and the Sun always rises whether one can see it or not.
  3. okay, sure. i think if we were to go back though, we would see that your assertions were slightly more than just, 'could'. no worries, it's all good though. go bills!
  4. as a rule, i don't generally like to speak in absolutes and very rarely ever do. however, this whole discussion with you was based upon your almost absolute assertion that he was going to claim injury and not 'retire'. my postings all along have been to point out just how ludacris that position essentially is.
  5. i have no need to mock you, as long as the discussion is honest and you are consistent within it. what you allude to here is a valid argument. yes, i do believe that each generation, because of their limited perspective see each coming generation as so much worse than theirs. there is some validation to that argument to my way of thinking however. we we better off before the television invade our consciousness? in many ways i think we were. i think man was much more personable then than we are today. we relied upon one another for our entertainment to help us live out our days as it were. were we better off before the industrial revolution? again in many respects, i would say we were. before the invention of industrial manufacture, we relied upon one another to help one another survive. we need only look no farther than the Amish around this neck of the woods to see how they provide support for one another. when a member of the community wants a barn on their land, the community gathers together and a couple days later, that individual has a barn erected when just a short period of time before there was nothing. of course there is the other side of that equation. have these technological advances freed man enough to allow for the pursuit of greater aspirations, sure. have there been and are there growing pains associated with this shrugging off of burdens, definately. i would posit however that with each advance, comes greater peril involved. afterall, when when gunpowder was just invented, it took somewhere between three and four minutes between shots being fired to get reloaded. today, how many shots can one fire in three minutes? are we better off today than we were yesterday, yes and no. are we now closer to the abyss, yes and no. at some point there will be a valid tipping point. we may not be anywhere near it but i suspect we are. we are resilient suckers though.... with the JiT (just in time) system we have today, it may be as little as 2 weeks out.
  6. you may be right and i do hope you're right, Tibs. i often try, as a good thought experiment at the very least and a healthy perspective exercize at most, to try to look at things under a different light. one of the other ways i try to look at this whole menagerie is that we are indeed moving along to a better place. one where humanity is becoming freer to pursue higher spiritual aspirations. if technology moves along at the right trajectory, we could certainly see a better future. there will undoubtedly be growing pains as we move into that new age as there always is when the previous age is abandoned to wither on the vine. the one aprehension i have to that utopian view is that i have a hard time seeing past the elites propensity and belief that we are nothing more than chatel. i believe universe is going to have to intervene if we are ever going to breakaway from their control.
  7. well, he's not wrong in the same vein that, the Jaguars were a good football team until they fired Gus Bradley. whereby, they immediately became a very good team.
  8. just a personal observation i'd like to give voice to. it may be obvious to most but incase it isn't to some.... i believe we are in a war here. a war for the hearts and minds of the free world, of which the outcome of humanity hangs in the balance. should we lose this war, we are all !@#$ed. my children, your grandchildren... humanity's children. if we lose, you are guilty until proven innocent. facts won't matter. the only thing that will matter is how they can spin the truth and implant reality into your mind. we are already there and that is what this life and death struggle is all about. do we go over the edge completely and plunge into the abyss of which there will be no return or do we grab a firm handhold on the edge and pull ourselves up and back away from the ledge. i'm not saying i agree with any/all of the crap that either side of the equation is putting forth, as i mainly believe the entire political spectrum is nothing more than bread and circuses meant to be a dog and pony show of the highest order to drive that old divide and conquor strategy as deep as they can get it. however, there is the left and right hand of the duality at odds with each other here that is fighting for the very soul of humanity. the semantics of it all isn't really important, what is important is that one stands for what they believe in their inner being to be right. I won't try to sit here and tell you what that is within this post, you need to look inward and be truthful with yourself and come to your own conclusions. perhaps one day that inner being will wake up enough to tell these !@#$s that we don't need their externalized saviour asshatted selves to save us. that we have the power to save ourselves. !@#$ the elite and the horses they rode in on, they are not above me and they certainly are not above you, though they certainly think they are. when that hundredth monkee awakens, they had better watch out. please let it be sooner than later. apologies for the rant, i just had to get it out.
  9. see there's a difference here. i don't believe anyone called Pooj a retard. sorry but the equation is slightly off.
  10. okay well... i don't know if you have emotional energy wrapped up in the word or not but i really don't believe anyone who is using the word has any malice directed towards you. a word is a word and it has linguistic value and meaning. if it is wrapping you up, chances are you may need to look inward and try to understand why a word is causing you distress. just my 2 satoshi
  11. kind of ironic isn't it? here you are complaining about just the thing you would have done to Kavanaugh. to think, i coulda had a V-8...
  12. i wonder if the progressives will upload it as #fakenews?
  13. well, to be honest... i don't really know which way they would turn here. i do suspect that they would go with Haley simply because they have invested their first round pick in Mayfield and also the investment in Tyrod is considerable. not rocking the status quo on defense is also a valuable consideration. however, if they did go with Williams, it would go a long way towards removing the stink of bountygate.
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