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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i believe it's a reference to a backwoods slang term. put in context, a reference to Baskingridge, New Jersey, i'm sure.
  2. thanks, i do now recall seeing promos for that. will have to check it out.
  3. lunacy from Jennifer Rubin and WaPo; Republicans, be forewarned: Kavanaugh’s accuser has options you know, because facts don't matter. only matters what we can make the public perceive.
  4. a brief plot summary would be appreciated.
  5. sure, i have many skeletons in my closet. however, i am not seeking public office and that is the major difference. i can't answer to what degree but i do know that it does matter. it goes to the moral fiber of a man. sure it may be miniscule if it was 30+ years ago and it was a one off incident. i don't have all the answers by far. i just know that it is not a perfect world we live in any longer.
  6. well, just to be somewhat of the devils advocate here, to put it in somewhat of a different light. it should matter to some degree if he did do it. i might posit that we have moved so far away from a center of moral values that we now consider it okay to have commited transgressions at some point in our lives. and yes, while everyone makes mistakes and should be entitled to a second chance, it is not that long ago that impropriety of any sort in ones history was frowned upon. today, especially within our elite puppets, it seems as if that type of thing no longer matters. is there one of them that hasn't had some moral faux pa in their past? i think perhaps that the expectation is that the last vestage of our morality may be contained within the highest court in the land. it certainly isn't within the Presidency any longer and hasn't been for sometime now. i get the irony however, of them complaining about something they all give passes to amongst their peers. i dunno, i guess i am just old fashioned and believe that all of our leaders should be men and women of impeccable standards. maybe if we did not let go of that ideal long ago and we held them to that standard, as a society we would not be where we are today.
  7. again, saying Tyrod was/is even just okay because he was been starting for 3+ years is not the best argument when one considers exactly whom he has been starting for. jus' my 2 satoshi...
  8. i'm not close to Milennial either but com'n, you have never heard of the Borg? you know, 'resistance is futile'.
  9. the previous 45 games the Bills played they were 19-26 with the likes of Fitzpatrick, EJ Manuel, Thaddeus Lewis, Jeff Tuel and Kyle Orton. so yeah, i guess your right, he is most definately 4 games better than those.... qbs.
  10. the Jets defense isn't the Steeler or Saint defense. could be a rough evening for Tyrod.
  11. im not sure using the Bills and Browns as the metric here is really boosting your argument much.
  12. well, when the dates pre-date the hurricane, it could be somewhat problematic.
  13. your shitting me. they paid TARP back? oh, that's right... .gov gave it back to them under a program called Quantative Easing.
  14. not to worry, .gov will bail them out.
  15. mornin; Tibs. excellent talk. thank you. my shadow's shedding skin i've been picking my scabs again
  16. get up off ur ass and jump around a bit, it's good for you.
  17. what happened to the days when you could take a family of 4 to the ballpark for $20? i realize i'm dating myself but good god, greed has overtaken most everything today.
  18. i don't favor either one. they all get way too damn much money. it's a joke what a seat costs, what a beer costs, what any damn thing costs regarding a football game.
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