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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i suspect you are being factious but... becareful of phishes, which is what i suspect you are the subject of. there are various techniques to verify if the email you received matches what was sent. this helps one understand if they received it without intermediate tampering. “Domain Keys Identified Mail,” or DKIM, and/or “Authenticated Received Chain,” or ARC signatures can be used to this end. some indepth research would be required to utilized these methods. however, there are other things you can do that are relatively easy to help stem the tide as it were. Chrome Browser Extension: UglyMail Chrome Browser Evtension : Pixel Block (more aggressive than UglyMail) Track email: Streak Find Email Address Source GMail Tracker
  2. yes, but did you get better odds with 17 points than you would have with 16.5?
  3. didn't Jerry Jones mandate that none of his players would kneel (Neal was it?) or else they would find themselves unemployed? i don't think any Cowboy Neals (kneel (sp?).
  4. there is always the consideration that he wants a divorce.
  5. i heard there was this guy who bet 5k on the Vikes and the spread. would suck to be him and see the vikes rest all their stars and only win by 16.
  6. im undecided, do you think she would like this ride or be traumatized by it?
  7. but... that would be so unfair to melting. this water was built upon melting, melting made water great!
  8. i know the scenario is a bit different but.... sometime back i remember the Bills having a shot at the playoffs. win and with a Jets loss, they were in but they had to win. not only did the Bills lose to a team holding out their star running back, the team we played, the Steelers, held out almost their entire starting line up. they beat us that day with mostly second stringers. not to mention sprinkled in were thrird stringers and even practice squad players. yes, it is not out of the realm of possibility.
  9. you got better odds with more points? how's that work?? i smell a ruse...
  10. sorry but i really think it is Norton. here is a bit of a longer clip of the shorter .gif posted . https://imgur.com/a/TYx03mi it's not Foreman.
  11. this might not be a good idea. if you do decide to do this however, be sure and have someone else hid all sharp objects. we want you to be sure and come back here so we can all either laugh at you or commiserate with you.
  12. Dennison is coaching the OL for the Jets this year. saw him cheering last night.
  13. if you had to pay a woman to do thast to you. something is wrong....
  14. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director 1981
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