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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he keeps it up, he will be out of the league before the end of the season.
  2. who are these Bills? we started the season playing the first 6 quarters like poo. we follow that up with 6 quarters of decent football.
  3. we actually looked like an NFL offense out there today in the first half. in the second we were playing prevent, so not much to be said for that other than that was the smart conservative play.
  4. he looks absolutely terrible out there. he couldn't even pick himself up off the ground. he needed two hands on that one play and even then he almost fell backwards. i hate to say it but i think we got took on that trade.
  5. i kept waiting for them to show a replay but they never did. i'm guessing the tackle(s) were too far off the line of scrimmage.
  6. okay, okay, i'll bet you havent heard this one.... are McBean the worst to lead the Bills since........ i dunno, forever?
  7. fantastic today. put Allen in a great position.
  8. that sucks. don't want to see that happen to anyone.
  9. you know they did. classic trap game if there ever was one. they are now kicking themselves in the ass because they have two road games p next against two very tough opponents.
  10. hey, he might become a star. maybe we'll see him on Divorce Court with Judge Jeanne.
  11. wait, wait.....i've got one... no, seriously, tell me if you've heard this one before..... i'm going to put 5k down on the Vikings -17 ahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahhhahahahahaahahhahahahhaahahahha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa
  12. an opinion Conservatives Must Regulate Google And All of Silicon Valley Into Submission
  13. Senators And Christine Blasey Ford Tentatively Agree On Thursday Hearing
  14. “We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them.”
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