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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he is the scum of the Earth because he is not one of them. you know, much like we are despised, by them.
  2. it is due to the divide the bird in the middle is sowing. ordinarily sane people lose all semblance of sanity when they allow Talking Points to get them all riled up.
  3. lol. criticize conspiracy theories and back the bigest one currently on the stage.
  4. right. the underlying fear is that Kavanaugh's appointment, along with the spectre of RBG stepping down, has the potential to tip the court far into conservative territory for the foreseeable future. if the republicans take the Nov elections, trust me, we ain't seen nothing yet. the melt down will reach epic porportions that this country has never seen.
  5. one of my favorite vBloggers. if nothing else, watch the first 10 minutes.
  6. is there a link and what was the length of the speech?
  7. "i believed her', because i have my own trauma that i am reliving. give me a !@#$ing break. i feel for her but.. get a grip. pick a place and a time to make this issue one that should be discussed. this is not it unfortunately.
  8. nope i'll be rooting against both teams. i hope they kill one another.
  9. oh, I know. just stating what i read somewhere (reading so much on this crap i couldn't tell you where i read it, atm). and going by what my memory is saying, i think they are going to lose that fight. of course, it won't stop the grandstanding after the milk is spilt.
  10. the only problem with that is that the Left is slowly finding itself being replaced by the extremists.
  11. i thought i read somewhere that the House judiciary Committee (Grassley) stated that the ground rules are the committees alone to decide and there is no debating that.
  12. yeah, i dunno. i dunno if i could put up with the incessant arguments from the CoT that would inevitably follow.
  13. i would have preferred to post directly from the source articles but i am a bit busy and don't have time to track down the WaPo cookie to delete it. links to source material is within my quoted portions below. Kavanaugh Accuser’s Husband Breaks His Silence, Exposes ‘Sick Issue’ His Wife Has
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