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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i think him accusing the Democrats of conspiracy is unprecedented for a hearing of this nature. good for him.
  2. should we take this to mean that you doubled down this week and took the Pack -10 for 10K?
  3. Mitchell did a very good job of what she was tasked to do. she raised the spectre of doubt for many of her claims. baloney. about the only thing the Democrats did was to grandstand.
  4. what? is the hearing done for the day? just heard something to the effect that they will resume tomorrow morning?
  5. when he subsequently tried to state that he got better odds for taking more points sold me that he was pushing bull ****.
  6. nah. my remark was in respnse to Mitchell prodding here with regard to having a forensic interview and the fact that neither the senators she was in contact with or her own lawyers requested such. if they had any sense of wanting to find the truth, they would have requested she do one. ETA: curious why you deleted your comment
  7. very smart of Mitchell to ask about motives for the denials here. very brilliant!
  8. how does crying effect a polygraph (lie detector) test? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110416202333AAJiQPH&guccounter=1
  9. i don't want to destroy your delusion here but, i've got news for you. he is your President as well.
  10. even if he did the things that were accused, i'm not sure that it amounts to much more than adolescent fumbling. lying about it, at an adult age, would however in my eyes be much more damning.
  11. one benefit to it all is that the uneven process is working to keep her off balance.
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