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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. the swamp is not on trial here, only the dwellers within. it looks like they are filing back in. 'bout damn time. or are they.....
  2. you know what would be funny. say two Republicans miss the vote here. and later those asshat Democrats that refused to vote realize that had they only voted, they could have rejected the nomination.
  3. not participating in a vote from a committee you sit on should be immediate grounds for dismissal from that committee. same goes for the senate, if you don't vote on a scheduled vote, you should be dismissed from congress.
  4. the ABA didn't say slow down, it was one individual. i didnt see anywhere where it stated that he spoke on behalf of the entire ABA.
  5. Booker is such an idiot. he is reading statements from those people Ford identifies as being there saying they state that it did not happen. he goes on after each one to say that that does mean it did not happen. unh.... hello dickhead, they are the ones named to have been there. wtf, DR is right, these people are either stupid beyond belief or they think your stupid.
  6. Ex-JPMorgan Traders Lost Millions on Bad Bets in Power Market
  7. i'm not sure it counts but.... i once sat next to a Japanese lady at a Bills game.
  8. Josina gave advice to the Eagles? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahhahaahahha 'ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahaahahahahhahahahhahahhaa that is rich.
  9. Dontae Whitner burglarized Woods home? sounds 'bout right....
  10. #methinks your just striving to be invited to the next SCOTUS confirmation hearing.
  11. vote today? or is the second sentance referring to the actual committee vote?
  12. meh, it's a slippery slope. it's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out.
  13. just be careful you don't get your feet wet. an awful lot of tears over spilt milk all over the place.
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