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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i really enjoyed this one, Shaw. thanks for taking the time.
  2. did Ken Brown totally forget that we are talking about the 80's here?
  3. about the only thing that's really upsetting to me, is being called late for dinner.
  4. your a touchy sort of feller ain't ya? lemme guess, your real name is Nancy?
  5. lemme guess... you took the Bills +10 for 5k this week. additionally, i didn't know posts could hear.... learn something new everday i guess.
  6. it's okay. we will probably have 2 more quarters of suckitude next week before we play lights out for the following 6 quarters of football. we will still be 2-6 though, if that is any consolation.
  7. no, i didn't bet 5k on the Packers -10. should i have?
  8. it's week 4 already? let's see.... okay, yep... sit back relax and have a 'ski. just because its week 4 and its the weekend though. next week's plan is different.
  9. as i said during the hearing, Mitchell was doing a masterful job. she pinned Dr. Ford to a number of things and also called into question a good number of discrepancies. as we should find out later this week, she made the FBI's job much easier.
  10. 2 starts in and you want to proclaim Allen can't be beaten by a scheme? don't get me wrong, i'm all for Allen but your pre-mature proclamation here is whimsical at best. Allen faced a team that was in all honesty looking past the Bills to their next matchup against the Rams and they payed dearly for it as we all know. let's let the rook get some experience before we proclaim him to be the second coming of ol' Jimbo. alright?
  11. do you think they should use.... say Petermans cadence?
  12. the red button in the background couldn't be any more apropos.
  13. "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities" - Ayn Rand
  14. couple this with Wilkerson being done for the season and it helps our chances a good bit.
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