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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. who would the enemies be and what armed conflict would they be referring to Kerry here with?
  2. not only are you an idiot but your a !@#$ing idiot. those people who choose to live in ****ty states as you so delicately state, are the one who grow and raise the food to feed your stupid ass. how 'bout along with abolishing the EC, we just abolish any notion that they have any obligation to the feed the uppity !@#$s who live in the state of affluenza? dickhead
  3. sounds like if the Repubs have anything incriminating on the accusors (Dems included), now would be the time to come out with it.
  4. if you can't read the WSJ. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/10/05/report-fords-fbi-friend-monica-mclean-pressured-witness-to-modify-testimony-and-statement/
  5. the progressive liberals are doing a fine job destroying themselves, thank you very much. lol @ the thought that .gov will give back a money grab.
  6. not saying she is right, but she isn't wrong. with the exception of the part where she says that if men are having a hard time right now... too bad. of course there is the other side of the coin that is not addressed in this sound byte and one i doubt that the MSNBC talking heads would delve into either. that being, the fact that you can't get to the right place by doing things the wrong way. yes, you certainly can but if you do, it won't last. killing white men who are innocent because you have suffered is not going to bring about lasting change all it will do is to shift the pendulem to the other direction for a period of time until it inevitably swings back the other way. the proper way to achieve your goals is to stop the pendulm completely and the only way to do that is to do it the right way by being honest.
  7. exactly. however, it is a start in the right direction.
  8. see below lol! it is actually a negative and Bezos is lining his pockets even more. thanks libs!
  9. nothing personal Tibs but it doesn't appear that anything that happens will satisfy the libs. let me take that back, about the only thing that will appease the libs is the opposition rolling over and playing dead (maybe that is being generous, i'm pret sure they would prefer they actually die). the time has come to face facts, the agenda the libs have been working is dead in the water. in fact i may even go so far as to say that it has massively backfired in their faces. they are losing ground. their Blue Wave has turned into nothing more than a ripple in a stream. they are not going to take the Nov elections.
  10. are you sure it wasn't just a delayed reaction to the national emergency preparedness alert? love that **** eatring grin he has had plastered all over his face for the last couple of weeks now. it's like it is saying, 'i've got a secret, wait till you find out....' those are the best **** eating grins, ever!
  11. Democratic staffer arrested in doxxing of GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing
  12. your being too kind. i once heard that Tom sits when he pees.
  13. you forgot that she could overhear laughter from downstairs while locked in a bathroom with the bedroom across the hall playing loud music. :eyeroll:
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