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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. if we are judging it based upon the graininess of the images, i would say you are correct.
  2. in Peterman's defense, it is not entirely his fault. you see, his eyes are too close together. thereby making the ability to see opposing players within radius to snag interceptions out of the realm of his abilities.
  3. i imagine this is going over about as well as a fart in church. President Trump Cabinet Meeting October 17, Challenges all Departments To Achieve Five Percent Spending Cut… doh! I see this was already posted. i'll at least post the video then.
  4. undoubtedly, you have not heard of The Man in the High Castle.
  5. That whole Twitter account has to be a parody thing, right?
  6. yeah, i don't know that I would trust the BBC for a source anymore than I would trust the NYT as a source. both are nothing more than propagandists for the cabal. if you would like some real understanding about what is happening and items that the propagandists won't report or spin, head on over to Moon of Alabama. scroll down to the Oct 14th piece and work your way forward. of course as with all information, add it to the pot and stir for your discernment.
  7. your right of course. why should the Right be upset at all the dirty pool tactics that were employed. it is the Left that should be pissed off because all those dirty tactics didn't work! yes, we are living on Htrae...
  8. let me guess... you still wish the Bills would have taken Rosen.
  9. i would tell you congrats on the prediction but, i think i forgot to include it in this post.
  10. Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web
  11. yeah but there is an agenda in play here. how many other situations have we seen paid agent provacatuers stirring **** to evoke a reaction.
  12. better in virtual than out on the streets. i am glad no one got killed today, surprised but glad.
  13. thats right, damn it! you are all guilty until proven innocent. sheesh where the hell you been living, under a rock these last few weeks (years)?
  14. my only response would be that, technically, we are not in a declared state of war with Iran currently.
  15. i don't dispute what you say here. however i just think that the distinction Grahman was making in that video is a stretch to say it could be applying to traitors within our .gov. not sure the stipulation of armed conflict would apply. i think there are better grounds to string them up on.
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