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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. you know what is funny is..., i have had 'certain' posts deleted by a certain moderator for way less serious transgressions than what is currently going on in that thread. i don't really care, my drivel is not really important, just making an observation.
  2. i guess i have to go upstairs now and see what all the ruckus is about.
  3. i must have missed where in that article it talks about her retiring. ETA: i see i was late in observing what others observed as well.
  4. yet, in Portlandia, Antifa is allowed to run rampant.
  5. not sure if this belongs here but it is a good segment. worth the 11:36.
  6. YES! he single handedly priced healthcare out of reach of the average American.
  7. https://twitter.com/politico/status/1055165287513907204
  8. does he even have 100yds total this year? can't be much more if he has surpassed that mark.
  9. there is no one currently on the stage for the Democrats other than those two currently.
  10. yeah, no. CAT was in trouble long before Trump even took office. try again.
  11. it's readily apparent that CNN doesn't understand that their words matter and have most likely contributed more to the current environment than anything Trump has done or will do.
  12. psychopaths may beg to differ with you here. for reference, one might want to consult @The_Dude
  13. the only reason this carries any weight at all is because the Raiders actually drafted players worth something that they were able to turn around for capital. Buffalo, not so much.
  14. right. it's all about burning the bridge to their fanbase in Oakland to make the move to Las Vegas more palpital
  15. right. all couriers require USPS stamps or it will not get delivered :rolleyes:.
  16. it may be that you are two steps ahead in the thought process with regard here. it is conceivable that this is merely the precursor. the precursor attempting to see if they can sway public opinion without having to injure one of their own. if it doesn't work, then yes, your scenario comes into focus.
  17. if one is going to just stick their head in the sand and fail to acknowledge that there are obvious warning signs that McCoach might not be the guy, well, i don't know what to tell you. i hope it gets turned around but you can't say, that even in its current state, things are hunky dory. they aren't.
  18. you do realize that that image is from CNN, right? lmao
  19. A NYT op-ed by none other than... Alexander Soros. The Hate That Is Consuming Us
  20. okay, i have to come out of the closet. i am a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
  21. we have traveled so far down the wrong path that i fear there is only one way to correct it all.
  22. ungh. i'm guessing you are failing to see the whole lot of irony within this post. just more leftist nonsense.
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