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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. sorry Avenatti. it doesn't work that way. not to mention that the Kavanaugh thing, is, you know... over. your day in court is coming, be sure and yell, Squirrel all you want.
  2. oh, i actually believe this is happening. maybe not to the specific sense you describe but nonetheless, it is occurring. i believe part of what is going on is that this is all being perpetuated to gauge just where the hidden hand is at in their campaign. to get a handle on where things reside on the curve they have contrived so they know how much more they need to do, if anything all, before raising the curtain upon the next act in their play.
  3. just in case he has you on ignore (not that i believe he does), i will quote you. do i think he will response and do as you asked, no. i don't think he can though i would like to see him try. ETA: i see i was wrong, he did respond but I was right in that he wouldn't respond directly.
  4. the responses to this are brutal... https://twitter.com/PPact/status/1055553082585702400
  5. huh, and here i thought it was Debbie Wasserman Schultz. who knew.
  6. it's not having fun with my pack but rather understanding what is written on the wall in big giant letters, right in front of my face. for the most part, i am politically agnostic. i actually believe that this is all a dog and pony show designed to divide and conquer. however i am bright enough to see that the greater evil facing me is the world the progressive liberals want me to reside in. trust me when i say, even you don't want to live in that world.
  7. this one is for @Tiberius https://twitter.com/TomBevanRCP/status/1055563319661264896
  8. well, i dunno. this just came into my field of vision. to be fair though, all clips dated are prior to Trump actually being in office. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIs2L2nUL-0&feature=youtu.be
  9. another good one from Jimmy Dore. short and sweet this one is, just over 2 and a half minutes.
  10. okay. my comment may be just a bit too crass here so i'll just suffice to laugh at it. sorry.
  11. Political Contest Horary Astro Probability* and the 2018 U.S. Midterm Election
  12. https://twitter.com/vbspurs/status/1055477056996286464
  13. i've only one burning question that i'm sure is on everyone else's mind as well. what the hell happened to Mr. Met?
  14. there you go... be kind of silly to move your family for what... a 3 month commitment.
  15. some people just can't read the handwriting on the wall no matter how large nor how in their face it is.
  16. hate to break it to you, but i don't think you'd be getting any booty tonight even if you were married to him and came to Buffalo.
  17. and..... we all know how that turned out.....
  18. i guess it is true, a double negative proves positive. okay, did Pelosi hijack your account? we have to pass the law before we can know what is in the law......
  19. wow. time to crawl out from under that rock, trans.
  20. a good thread https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/1055499875201236992
  21. Tibs, love ya man but com'on...the title is deliberately obtuse in that it has nothing to do with the OP and is just plain deceiving.
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