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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i nominate this as the official PPP theme song
  2. read the thread... too many news agencies requesting permissions for his content. it won't be removed.
  3. Washington state nuke site workers ordered to stay inside
  4. and... Twitter pulled the account. That didn't take long. https://twitter.com/thedonaldreddit/status/1055849193934331911
  5. what.. you're saying no more Q postings now??
  6. if i were asked, i would say that it is the fault of the mainstream propagandists whipping the (m)***** into a froth.
  7. HA! i knew it was Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
  8. https://twitter.com/whignewtons/status/1055836934034153472
  9. you can have a conviction overturned. you might not get redress but you certainly can have it overturned. it goes to integrity and of course, ones legal record.
  10. Hanford has a history of problems. today we get this... 'Take Cover' alert sent to Hanford Vit Plant employees let's hope it is nothing serious.
  11. GPap may be withdrawing his agreement. https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/1055790970917281792
  12. who do you think will oppose trump in '20 then? Beto?
  13. i didn't think you ignored him as i stated, more it was an attempt to get you to acknowledge the post which was a really good attempt to engage you in a civil discourse. you stated a position that was thoughtfully challenged. i saw an opportunity for a the basis of a good discussion to be had and played a little reverse psychology in means of goading you into developing that conversation. reading through all the balanced responses to your posts,with regard, i believe i was not alone in my assessment. i can really add nothing to what has been said as it all has been said rather well to this point other than, you may find great benefit from the honest discussion to be had here. just wear your big girl panties is all i will say (and that is not derogatory).
  14. top o' the mornin' to ya i dunno, i might just go ahead and get a head start on 2024 seeing as you really have noone upon the stage at this time and two years is a really short amount of time to get someone up there.
  15. it it is merely time to destroy the foot soldiers. history is littered with the corpses of useful idiots. it can only mean that the next batch of UIs are ready to go...
  16. of course, you're probably right. CNN is the reason CNN now has less viewership than Nickelodeon. #orangemanbad24/7/365
  17. to be fair and completely honest. there is no such thing as unbiased reporting. having a human element involved makes it impossible. that being said, you can find other sources that at least try to be as unbiased as they can be. as part of my collective stew i try to seek input from many different perspectives because even in disinformation, there is information and sometimes it is important to understand what it is that they want you to believe. would it surprise you to know that 6 corporations control roughly 90% of all media that is mainstream? think about that. might that be monopolistic? could they possibly steer the (m)@sses down whatever road they desired?
  18. so.... what? they took the bomb with them to photograph it so they could post pictures on their website? yeah, yeah... that's it. yeah!
  19. maybe it's just me but... i don't think i should have to question whether or not the 'news' is factual or something less than. the news hasn't been the news for a number of years now. as such, i have been trained to seek out other sources for my fact gathering. this has led me to places that i know i can find the real truth of what is going on in the world and not have it painted for me in the light propagandists would rather have me informed in. i will never trust a main stream propagandist selection again, ever. if you knew what was good for you, you wouldn't either.
  20. i actually think we are a year too early with our cap room. we are so inept right now that potential free agents that might possibly consider coming here are going to be much more comfortable going to the Jets and/or Colts instead. meaning, we are going to have to overpay to get them to come here instead. if we were a year further along in McCoachs rebuild or if we didn't suck as much as we do currently, then we would be in prime position. unfortunately, we are not.
  21. alright. maybe you are correct, the metrics have already been conducted and the curtain has been raised upon the act that is currently presiding on the stage. i guess the real question then becomes, is it the final one before the denouement becomes clear. regarding HAARP, Cheney was perhaps a bit early with Wilma. he may need a bit more practice.
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