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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. so... the whole Russian Trump thing wasn't a conspiracy? it was just a political power play?
  2. the rest of the troll army? mornin' Tibs
  3. is the army of migrants going to make it to the border before next Tuesday's elections?
  4. not for nothing, and i really didn't know BF's posting trends prior but it seems to me that he has an issue with what he perceives as conspiracy thinking. in my experience when someone is so rattled by things like this it is because they are deathly afraid that these theories may just be true and they can't have their carefully scripted narrative questioned. they are only theories until they are proven true. how many times in the past have conspiracy theories about the .gov been proven true? more often than one might think.
  5. lol. what a joke. full frontpage headline for a bomb suspect who by the way would be more appropriately termed a non-bomb suspect. two-thirds frontpage headline far a 'Congressman shot' story where someone was actually injured. nothing to see here, move along.
  6. gab isn't really being removed because of the PA shooter, that is just a means to an end. as they gain more popularity and emerge as a viable threat a state controlled mouthpiece, that is really the reason why they are being removed. Paypal is evil. i have had them lock down my account multiple times and the only way i have been able to withdraw fiat is after answering questions that is absolutely none of their business. i have told them this repeatedly, nothing changes. i got into cryptos long before this but this whole crapshow just reinforces my beliefs that we really need to remove the middleman with regard in so many things. ***** them and the horse they ride on. i apologise if my anarchistic side is showing.
  7. the real question is... why time the failed bomb attempt AND a mass shooting in the same week as a record lottery winning. what are they trying to hide by doing so? you won't miss it then unless of course you are of the type that has to let everyone know how much superior your thoughts/reasonings are in your smugness. oh wait...
  8. see, it's not just the page from gab getting wiped, it is now the entire site is getting wiped. image upload because they don't embed here https://gab.com/a/posts/40064049 and, hours after the shooting, Paypal has banned them making it now much harder to fund their operation. https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/27/18032930/paypal-banned-gab-following-pittsburgh-shooting spotting the oppressors is very easy and they are quite blatant about it. this is why the consolidation of all things internet is bad for you. you end up with the Googles (YouTubes), Facebooks and Twitters that can and will control what and how you think. we all need to support alternatives such as gab, if only just to have a place to go when truth is censored by these *****. here's hoping gab.ai is not down for long and that they come back even stronger than they were. they have to..... we, have to.
  9. lol. settle down, Francis. it was a joke about paranoia
  10. I don't know that you couldn't find that type of commentary right here on these pages. a lot of bases being covered for only 666 words/3740 characters. me thinks the quality of the word quality has been degraded to the point where this is seen as, 'quality'. but, this is only my opinion on this article, i'm sure he has written better pieces. ETA: my bad your commentary wasn't in regard of this weeks article.
  11. we want Nate! we want Nate! we want Nate!
  12. sounds like you have a severe case of PTSD and it's acting on you like a real B word.
  13. com'on. it's all about context and reading comprehension. try reading what you posted again, "... the Supreme Court under President Trump was now ...". if you think she was saying that the Supreme Court was below the President or even that, Trump was above the SC, then you have no comprehension abilities. try reading it where she was referring to the fact that the SC, while under the President's tenure is now... you probably didn't get that though either....
  14. meh, it's saturday morning. i'm sure some of ya'll are waking up looking around and can't find where the hell you put it so.....
  15. i hate to be the bearer of bad news for Johnny but, the Republicans don't care about blacks either.
  16. com'on, you gotta admit the guy with the pasties is doing the right thing here. not to mention those socks... gaga!!!
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