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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. dude! wtf man. some things you just can't unsee. wheres the bleach?
  2. https://twitter.com/BMcAdory9/status/1059917709545234442
  3. all i can say is, wow. what this years team has done to TBD is surely something to behold. this thread is a microcosm of the state of affairs of the Bills. sad.
  4. don't know that i believe it but sure would be nice.... https://twitter.com/LeoDube/status/1059571258453422082 this is in play too.... https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1059518659125764096
  5. John Wayne's not dead, he's frozen And as soon as we find a cure for cancer We're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off You know why Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well multiply that by 15 million times That's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be!
  6. that's because i am actually neither. i would be pleased if both wings of the bird simply ceased to exist. remember, it is the bird that the two wings are connected to that you need to keep your eye on. you really do not have a choice, all you are offered is the evil wing on the left or the evil wing on the right. neither has your best intentions at heart. they are all about themselves and maintaining the status quo of the prison planet as it exists. it is just a boil the frog mentality that is slowly creeping into the end game. i am however dead set against the liberal agenda. that kind of insanity will just lead us to the slaughter house much quicker than the the other side of the equation. once the Left side of the swamp is drained or severely damaged, my hope is that Trump will begin working on the Right side and ***** them up too. if you are looking to classify me, put me in the anarchist grouping. let a Phoenix arise from the ashes. a complete house of cards collapse is ultimately our only route to an escape from the boiling pot of water they have us in. in all truth though, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the quagmire we find ourselves in. they know that we have become fat and lazy from all the largesse that exists and we will be hard pressed to tear it all down and create a just society. only when there are hunger pangs in the stomachs of the populace will they be motivated to seek that real change.
  7. @plenzmd1 How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis - And Why more towards present day... this past spring a smaller army of migrants marched upon the southern US border. this one was openly organized by by Pueblo Sin Fronteras which translated literally means, People Without Borders. it was also funded by the CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project. CARA is an acronym for four groups that comprise it. Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). three of those four outfits get their funding from.... you guessed it, the House of Soros. so, that the House of Soros organized and funded the european migrant invasion and previously organized and funded the earlier army of migrants that marched upon the Southern US border in the Spring of this year, i don't think it too far fetched to think that he could possibly be organizing and funding this current iteration of an attempt at government destabilization. in fact, i would venture to say that with the past being our guide, it is a quite reasonable assumption that it is being fueled by the House of Soros. it may be that someone else is organizing and funding it but the logical assumption at this point points in that direction.
  8. perhaps something else is being referenced as the other two articles listed in this thread both speak of events thousands of years prior. there is also this from George's Not a Blog:
  9. i'm guessing that's a typo. reading Martins blog, it is 300 years prior?
  10. ABC said the latter will continue to air on Sundays as scheduled and had no further comment. hypocrites.... verbally attack someone on the Left, get canned. physically attack anyone and that's quite alright if your of the Left persuasion.
  11. i'm kind of partial to 867-5309 for a good time call.......
  12. simple really. by using your superior analyzation skills and understanding that the opposite is the more likely equation. jus' messing with you.... mostly.... somewhat....... little??
  13. just have to say that if you advocating this, i am going to have to say we should start Anderson. with the track record as my guide, i feel pretty comfortable saying this.
  14. we need to stop them in their tracks or it won't be long before....
  15. Why did nobody mention that Beto O’Rourke’s wife is a billionaire heiress? Young Beto O’Rourke casts himself as the ‘anti-Trump’. But his father-in-law, it turns out, is a billionaire property developer with a contentious relationship with non-white residents — not unlike the President. Beto’s more the proto-Jared Kushner. The New York Times today revealed the highly interesting news that friend-of-the-little-guy Beto married well. Very well. His wife is not only the daughter of William D. Sanders, aka the Warren Buffet of real estate, Cockburn can reveal she is the only daughter. Sanders’s portfolio is valued at about $20 billion. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but something is amiss when an endless stream of laudatory profiles fails to mention it. ‘Stop the Press Before It Profiles Beto O’Rourke Again,’ came the muffled cry of Politico’s Jack Shafer a couple of weeks ago, from beneath a deluge of glowing cuttings about the Texas congressman. Having a profile of the boyishly handsome skateboarder standing against Sen. Ted Cruz is as key an ingredient to a left-leaning media site as an Instagram page or a round of cuts when your staff try to unionise. ...
  16. we need more men like this. ***** them punks. https://twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/1057815532618084352
  17. does it not stand to reason that if some of those balls were not dropped that the PA's and YPG would increase?
  18. Google engineers expected to walk off the job Thursday morning SAN FRANCISCO - Hundreds of Google engineers and other workers are expected to walk off the job Thursday morning to protest the internet company's lenient treatment of executives accused of sexual misconduct.
  19. well, it makes sense.... i mean, his father did kill JFK, right?
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