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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. hey now.... it's not her fault. the fault lies with the idiots who allowed calculators in the classrooms of high school beginning back in the 80's.
  2. come on. that is like the worst promotion for progressives, ever.
  3. and quite conveniently moved them to Afghanistan, all while ramping that war way the ***** up.
  4. there is a reason the Bills can't run the ball. it is called not fearing the long ball, which allows the opposing D to stack the box with 8/9/10 men.
  5. wait, let me put my shades on, the brilliance in this thread so far is blinding.....
  6. yep, if only we hadn't had a QB competition during TC and PS, we would squarely be in playoff contention right about now. ✊
  7. i saw the thread title and was surprised when i looked to the author it wasn't @transplantbillsfan. that aside, i hope they wait till after the bye.
  8. not a reasonable defense offered here but a comment about your reference to Obama as compared to Trump. Trumps actions have done more for the US military than Obama ever thought of doing.
  9. some common sense. CNN's Jim Acosta's actions to Trump don't represent the best of journalism
  10. perhaps you might have looked further and very close before dropping that stupid comment then.
  11. he really should have been wearing a black hood to the pressers. technically, they have to be. it is just that it is somewhat hidden to you. your post is #5460234
  12. were it not for TARP and QE (insert whatever number makes you feel comfortable here (infinity)), i would tend to agree with you. however, i think both these programs, particularly QE smashed to hell any thought that you can't just print money (ie; entering 1's and 0's into a database). the old logical thinking would have dictated that printing that money would have come home to roost by now, that it hasn't, well........
  13. umm... that would be Acosta, Jim Acosta.
  14. don't forget the additional bonus of being able to use any bathroom you now desire. win, win, win....
  15. lets hope your right. if Declass is happening, it should do so by the end of the week.
  16. not saying you were projecting in any way, just saying it does happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm38Ojh61lY
  17. this tweet gives me pause. makes me wonder if the dog and pony show is just that and that this whole soft coup investigation is just to hold the other side at bay with no real intention of arresting anybody within the elite structure. if that is the case, ***** all them hoes. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1060155917059219461 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUII5J-EGdQ
  18. so.... that invalidates what the Dems asked? you're an idiot.
  19. Bucky and Sully, two bitter old men who will be off the scene this time next year. the only reason they have any press at all is because they bemoan how they are viewed and a few of their fanboys post their drivel here.
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