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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. why doesn't really matter. all cabinet positions serve at the commander in chiefs behest.
  2. https://twitter.com/UKIP/status/1062649593630994433 https://twitter.com/UKIP/status/1062619624540463104 seems someone is intent on abolishing all borders. wouldn't be the House of Soros would it, nah.....
  3. put the vote on the blockchain. easy enough to do and being a public ledger, it is immutable and thereby being incorruptible.
  4. apologies for not having read the entire thread. has anyone claimed him?
  5. Batten goes after Merkel as well. https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/1062413292348628992
  6. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1062180242977181703
  7. holy cow! Farange blisters Merkel. https://twitter.com/LeaveEUOfficial/status/1062368197926703105 a little context to the above... https://twitter.com/GuidoFawkes/status/1062357984586670081
  8. https://twitter.com/THEBELAAZ/status/1062090701289205768 https://twitter.com/THEBELAAZ/status/1062049242318020608
  9. all i will say is that Tavistock and Stanford Research were both once highly regarded think tanks.
  10. not for nothing but you don't either. yours is nothing more than conjecture.
  11. is it just me or does the dude to the left of the sleeper look computer generated?
  12. i don't disagree, i was merely pointing out fact.
  13. https://twitter.com/JohnEkdahl/status/1061777688850063362 https://twitter.com/instapundit/status/1061469378351431681
  14. i'll just put this here... https://twitter.com/alaskancourtney/status/1061722759468802048
  15. well, i dunno. one was verbal assault and the other was physical. not that either one is right, just that one is more wrong.
  16. well now... don't you look like the town idiot. https://twitter.com/THEBELAAZ/status/1061419453173383168
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