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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it's good to be the world's reserve, isn't it? debt doesn't matter until it does. and when it does, the US is going to be in a world of hurt. Venezuela, Zimbabwe... you aint seen nothing yet....
  2. this is rich. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1063471080877125632 https://twitter.com/Harlan/status/1063470951705264128
  3. that's about the size of it. https://twitter.com/MarkDice/status/1063497488462577664 should be an interesting PC today... https://twitter.com/swdoody/status/1063483006340538368 https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1063456602890661890
  4. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1063498243835920384
  5. lol. all outstanding debt owed by the federal government exceeded $21 trillion on March 15, 2018. ouch!
  6. Orange Man Bad! https://twitter.com/FDRLST/status/1063469050297270272
  7. freedom of the press means that they can say anything they want (almost). no where does that right include a right to be present at any event.
  8. smart thing to do would be to extend him this off-season.
  9. taking into account his prior posting history, I would have to say you are correct. however, there is that old adage that even a blind squirrel ......
  10. so, in other words... would that be a display of cunny lingus? oh my!
  11. he's not wrong. i also don't believe it an empty platitude as it is more of a double entendre. no congressman is going to pass that legislation let alone write it up. not picking here, just pointing out the other side of the coin as it were.
  12. now you're just being stupid. you are expanding the basis to fit your paradigm. if that is the case then my expanding a basis to fit my paradigm is just as valid. get over it. mornin' Tibs
  13. the only problem with this is that legal immigrants tend to be those you speak of. illegal immigrants on the other hand, they usually are lower on the totem pole.
  14. https://twitter.com/PolishPatriotTM/status/1063202140049612801
  15. if it comes down in CNN's favor, what's next? declaring where and when mandatory PC's must be held?
  16. how bout we clean the welfare rolls then we can talk about needing immigrants.
  17. just what is it that you are afraid Whitaker might do? declass the FISA's? reign Mueller into the scope of his probe? your actions tell me that that the Dems are very afraid of what this guy might do to the soft coup group.
  18. a little surprised this hasn't been posted yet... NOT SO FAST: Federal Judge Rules Hillary ‘Must Answer Questions’ Regarding Email Server Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath
  19. wow. you sound seriously afraid, Tibs. what has he done that makes you think he is corrupted? as far as disclosing info on the Mueller investigation, what makes you think that if he were to do this that he couldn't have done it in the position he previously held?
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