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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. no, that's is right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
  2. https://twitter.com/M2Madness/status/1256382507559399426
  3. oh... there is an alternative to the graft and rampant corruption of the bush/clinton cabal.
  4. you're a *****head. nothing arguing against what was said, just attacking the messenger. yep, you're a *****head.
  5. well that flu right by.
  6. there is always the question however... if a fat lady sings in the woods and no one is around to report on it, was her sound even heard?
  7. okay... i know this is going to harsh a lot of people's narrative here but.. so be it. CDC PDF
  8. right. no way should this be an opt-out.
  9. sure... the next thing you're going to tell me is that Putin is also John Titor.
  10. oh my.. a lib using the term witch hunt to describe what ol' Joe may have done, has got to be the epitome of hypocrisy. it was prolly @BillStime
  11. i contend that the main stream propagandists are responsible for people developing conspiracy theories and becoming conspiracy theorists than anything else. and those numbers are growing by the day.
  12. and there it is.. your, Morning Whataboutism with Billstime.
  13. **important** https://twitter.com/kenningtonsays/status/1256185757422755841
  14. **very important** https://twitter.com/kenningtonsays/status/1256185757422755841
  15. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1255302275821690882 https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1245408964319367169
  16. must read thread. https://twitter.com/PunishDem1776/status/1255642035811475456
  17. i'm going to go ahead and guess that with this response, the irony contained within that post was completely lost upon you.
  18. https://twitter.com/JoeySalads/status/1256047558624862208
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