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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. they were distracted by the first ever Crypto Sunday.
  2. generally, if you want to dispute something.... it is incumbent upon you to do the work necessary to disprove it. i'll bet that you won't so, just be quiet and go away.
  3. As Predicted, GOP Tax Cuts Prompt Record Tax Revenues Feds Collect Record Taxes in October; Still Run $100B Deficit
  4. https://twitter.com/AMike4761/status/1066337857621671938
  5. btw, the WP article is quite a bit more expansive than the Yahoo article.
  6. i read the WP article earlier. it didn't contain the Yahoo precognitive item though... Mexico's incoming interior minister Olga Sanchez Cordero was quoted by the Post as confirming the agreement during an interview with the newspaper, but on Sunday her office issued a statement denying any deal. emphasis mine lol
  7. FAANG is the new acronym for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (parent company, Alphabet). together, they are the new tech giants. over recent years, there has been no safer bet than these behemoths. however, since late summer, these corporations have combined to lose close to $1 Trillion in market capitalization. all are now officially in bear territory and the characteristics of bubble like valuations being the possible reason for the reversal in fortunes. Charts: visualizing the bear market in FAANG stocks the NASDAQ Composite - a tech bellwether, is showing signs of pain as well. other big tech is in the doldrums too. and the FED is going to raise interest rates in December.....
  8. the head of American Oversight is a former attorney in the Obama administration. Office of Special Counsel Opens Investigation on Acting AG Matt Whitaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVjCMP7nyBg
  9. you have knocked every response out of the park here. respect.
  10. we haven't been a Republic for a very long time now.
  11. ? not sure what dirt on your phone has to do with the deep state, but.. okay.
  12. when they start to tell you about it, you can be sure that it has been in practice for awhile already...
  13. sorry, i missed this. being that i believe it is the greatest sin ever comprised by man, against man, i'm guessing the one Tibs gave is adequate.
  14. ungh.... i was in Minn blinded by all the snow?
  15. https://twitter.com/AMike4761/status/1065803098583695361
  16. yeah.. i dunno. going after heads of state opens a can of worms, not sure they want/are going to do that. i would love to see the corrupt bastards go down i just don't know if the deep state is going to allow it.
  17. that works. what i was getting at is that you can't expect to be a cashier, burger flipper, waiter/waitress for the entire of your life and support a family. i believe these were meant to be part-time/entry level jobs.
  18. lmao. sure. if you think retail and/or service jobs are going to support a family, well.... i won't say it.
  19. see, the thing is... retail and customer service was never/should not be confused with a lifetime goal. it is/should be stepping stones into/out of the workforce.
  20. SJWs always know what is best for everyone else. they just don't always know what is best for themselves.
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