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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Twitter Stock Falls Amid Rumblings of Conservative Boycott
  2. Macron takes an egg to the head as he sells out Western Values. (5 secs) https://streamable.com/px7tm
  3. @Tiberius just for you. https://twitter.com/JarradKushner/status/1068950131918102529
  4. i guess the real question here is... what is the product you that you have that want hawked? please don't tell me it's a frying pan...
  5. there are those who might say that if it wasn't for Ross Perot, Bush would have had his second term. as a couple of others have expressed here in this thread, i don't wish to besmirch him in the time of his families grief, so i will simply wish him well in the next portion of his journey.
  6. you gotta watch those *****, they like experimenting with electroconvulsive therapy.
  7. just to back up DR's opine here, American Thinker comes out with this today. the first portion basically reiterates everything DR has laid out but it goes a bit further in depth with regard to the the Clinton Foundation's scandal. Trump hints at the scandal about to blow tik tok
  8. https://twitter.com/ZoeTillman/status/1068613577345519616 more info at the thread.
  9. lol. all the precedent cases listed and Comey's lawyer wants the judge to write new law. you just can't make this ***** up.
  10. i might argue that when a company becomes, to big to fail, that that is a potential problem.
  11. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1068271802235813890
  12. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1068269270386204672 https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1068272019597332489
  13. lol! the sick and twisted just get more sick and twisted.
  14. this one is just for you, @Tiberius because i know it drives you nuts. https://twitter.com/rebeccaballhaus/status/1068252473603883008
  15. are you kidding? there is only one place to get all your Bills news, Buffalo Maven!
  16. not for nothing but... you have absolutely no right to freedom of expression on a privately owned website.
  17. Judicial Watch Files Amicus Brief Defending the Appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General
  18. as i opined previously, this whole thing could just be a ploy to keep the other side at bay. no one is going to do anything so stupid as to drain the swamp. the dog and pony show will go marching on. man i hope'm wrong....
  19. no. what is debatable, i guess is that the Russians were firing..... perhaps i read Tom's post wrong?
  20. i guess that is debatable. what i don't think it debatable is that the US has been trying to push the Ukraine into contesting the Russian territorial waters of the Sea of Azov. https://twitter.com/AvakovArsen/status/1066771126448259072
  21. how is this surprising? back in April, Ford announced that they would cease all car production, save for the Mustang and Focus. the car segment of the American society has been waning for quite sometime with the Minivan and the SUV eating more market share yearly. if peoples tastes have moved away from cars, you would have to be pretty stupid to continue to keep trying to sell them to those who would rather have a truck, SUV or a crossover. April '18 article: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
  22. it would appear so. an election ploy by Poroshenko? i see where it was reported (not by the american MSM mind you) that these ships veered right into the line of fire of the Russian warning shots, apparently attempting to provoke a wider conflict.
  23. nah, i don't buy it i think it more likely that you got pawned in your own thread and didn't like it so you deleted it. i debated posting to it because i knew the possibility existed. fool me twice, shame on me....
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