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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. hell, having excessive toejam is an impeachable offense if Congress says it is.
  2. wha?? the content may be fiction but the report isn't? water isn't wet either.
  3. rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck.
  4. next time you have mac salad, pour some Country Sweet on it. something 'bout that sauce and mayo.....
  5. please tell me that you do not take everything reported in the main stream media as undeniable truth.
  6. one wonders whom is the idiot.... https://twitter.com/senSerfes/status/1072297409529696256 a reference to Pizzagate anyone??
  7. whoa.... when did we sign Saquon and what did we give up to get him? 3 pages in and no one posted the tort? youse guys are slippin'.....
  8. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    correct, Plenz. BTC could go to $10K before hitting $2500 and it could go to $0 after hitting $1800. a good entry point may be sub $2K. of course, your mileage may vary. in an nutshell, the beauty of the blockchain is that it is a trustless ledger and therefore immutable. this removes the possibility of corruption which is priceless. lots of innovation coming down the pike.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    hey Plenz, been wanting to post to this thread for awhile now. thanks for bringing it to the forefront. first of all, i have to own my prediction. obviously, 6 figure BTC is not in the cards this year. to say i was wrong would be the understatement of the year. again though, as stated throughout this thread, in no way am i a financial adviser. with that said, i will offer up my current thoughts... i did host that crypto currency conference back in late August/early September on the outskirts of Seattle, WA. which was attended by roughly 35/40 people from all over the world. by all accounts we had a really good time. the hot topic of conversation throughout was obviously BTC and all the aspects that come along with it, along with discussions on various other coins and a great many tokens. the hardest thing i guess is telling a bunch of people (myself included) that you are in a bear market when you have a bunch of people who are long. i have a great many contacts that i utilize to try and understand the direction things are heading in. it took me sometime to understand what one of them was trying to tell me but this person as been the most correct out of everyone i know with regard. to that end, my opinion is worth as much as the next guys i suppose (possibly less). i did however take a position on the sidelines with a good percentage of my portfolio just before the middle of the year. obviously i didn't time the top but i did so long before we got to the levels we are at today. basically BTC is acting much like a commodity. some might argue that it is not but it bears all the hallmarks of a commodity. let us not forget that the US gov still classifies it as a 'property' even though it lost certain standing in 2018 that comes along with a 'property'. namely, tax reporting requirements (for this reason, i performed only a fraction of trading activity this year). doing some forensic analysis of BTC fiat price history, it can be argued that BTC has experienced 4 bubbles in it's short existence. with that thought, imo, this current bubble will not be complete until we reach into the triple digits, barely into it though. why do I think this? because having looked at the history of Bitcoin as a guide, history never really repeats, though it sure does rhyme often enough to cause me to take notice and appreciate it as a forecasting tool. the 2011 bubble cycle lasted 2 years before that was complete. the next bubble in 2013 was a mini and lasted a few months before that cycle completed. the second bubble of 2013 lasted 4 years before it's cycle was complete. which in turn brought us to our current bubble that we are now living through. it could also be argued that there was a bubble prior to the one in 2011. i am still long BTC and have a great belief in blockchain technology. i truly believe that blockchain is going to change the way everyone interacts with the world around them. it is already though you may not know it. i still think (hope) BTC is going to see 6 figures per at some point in the future. the biggest question is when that future will arrive. i am strictly of the opinion today that the current bubble cycle needs to complete itself before it will pave the way for the next bubble and that 6 figure BTC. if i had to guess, i would venture late 2019. however, when i see BTC in the 1000/1500K area, i will begin to scale back in. the reason i am a believer and still long on BTC has been stated previously in this thread many times. to be succinct about why, is i think it will become an international settlement vehicle between countries. something is going to supplant the USD as the world reserve and imo, a neutral conveyance has the best opportunity to do so. i hope this answers your question, if not let me know and i will try to address anything i may have omitted. again, anything contained within this post should not be construed as financial advice, these are just the musings of a keyboard jockey. your own due diligence is of the utmost importance before investing in any financial instrument.
  10. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1071117448789876736
  11. with regard... you can always tell from someone's argument when they are afraid that their paradigm is going to come crashing down and leave them drooling in the streets should anything happen to destroy that carefully crafted narrative.
  12. right? Pence's wife having received one would seem to put a crimp in the conspiracy theories.
  13. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1071034994859094017
  14. there is a conspiracy theory floating about that the bomb scare last night at CNN was actually just a cover story to hide the fact that the FBI raided their offices........ ******************************************** Pence's wife got one.....they were delivered to the wives??
  15. and that they have been going on for over a year with little knowledge of them....
  16. Cates has taken quite a bit of flack over time for his theories. i hope he is right with every single ounce of them. put those evil ***** away for good and return law and order. ************************** from Judicial Watch: Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyejLE0Drc
  17. after being lost in the wilderness for so long, it would appear that the rule of law is making it's way back. ???
  18. read thread.... https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1070800683631292417
  19. thanks. also, Jeb didn't get one, he viewed George's.
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