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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. we certainly do not need any more rules that require a judgement call. there are enough of those that can already change a game based upon nothing more than perception as opposed to a hard fact.
  2. i think Ariens is on record as saying the only HC job he would want or accept is Clevelands.
  3. yeah, no. the end lines have always been different than the sidelines when it comes to fumbles. the same is true for tackles, unless you actually touch the ground, you are not down and have never been. can we stop trying the revisionist history thing now?
  4. thanks for the read, Virgil. always enjoy it. i agree about the coaching, today was just another in a litany of inexplicable inepitude coaching displays this season. i hate making coaching changes every two years but i hate realizing we should have made a coaching change sooner, even more. I'm not saying he/they need to go but some of these displays this year were truly awful.
  5. i don't know where Allen will ultimately grade out, but i listened very carefully to what Bruce Ariens was saying when commenting on his game today. it seemed Ariens brought up some pretty good points. i think the kid can be good, i just don't know if this current staff is the right one to get him to where he needs to go, in the manner his needs to get there. i'd hate to make another regime chnge after only two years but there are serious warning signs that McClappy and the boys might be out of their league in their current positions.
  6. fair enough. while you have my attention, weren't you one of the most vocal anti Josh posters here for awhile? my memory could be wrong though as this board has been mostly insufferable this year and i have not spent a lot of time on the stadium wall.
  7. lmao. nice strawman you have constructed here. i made no comment whatsoever on Josh's play in any of my statements here on this thread. in fact, i challenge you to find any post of mine where i state anything derogatorily regarding his play. you can't because i haven't. if you had absolutely any reading comprehesion at all, you would understand i was speaking to the disservice he was doing to a defense that stunk really bad today. care to try again?
  8. im just not for praising something that was clearly dog ***** out there today. like i said, he would have been much better off not trying to blow smoke up their *****. they were pretty bad out there today.
  9. for starters, how about not blowing smoke up their ***** when they absolutely stunk out there today. he could have chosen just not to comment on the defense at all.
  10. our defense played spectacular today?? wtf game did i watch. smh.
  11. an AP article Federal shutdown begins after lawmakers fail to reach deal
  12. some of the comments in the thread are speculating that Congressional arrest could be behind the shutdown. don't know that i agree as i have just about given up all hope that anything, and i do mean anything will be done to restore the rule of law here, but on the off chance that it does happen... https://twitter.com/TS_SCI_MAJIC12/status/1076236685342633990
  13. if the .gov shuts down, do you and your overlord still have to work? are you considered essential and thus still get paid if you have to work? enquiring mind want to know....
  14. congrats! i'm a bit jealous after reading the tax situation.... YEAR PROPERTY TAXES TAX ASSESSMENT 2017 $231 $1,500 certainly isn't NY taxes
  15. a .gov link. United States Action To Confront Illegal Immigration
  16. @Logic in cold rain, no less. https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1074063268589785089
  17. a whitehouse.gov link. Executive Order on Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on December 24, 2018
  18. i might also venture that before we stop others, we just might want to get our house in order first.
  19. argumentum ad hominem otherwise known as a logical fallacy. so...., what about the Brits interfering with the election? any response to that?
  20. talk about mental *****. your entire construct is based upon mainstream media *****, other wise known as talking points. you come down here on your high horse spouting all kinds of moral superiority crap and don't even have the courtesy of basing your argument in firm reality. you talk about things and then say that they are semantics when called on your baloney. you attempt to pile on DR when you won't take the time to read the background of his thesis. i could give a ***** what you believe with regard to politics, that really doesn't bother me. the fact that you are coming from a barren standpoint pretty much earns you all the scorn you receive in my estimation. that you brush it aside as an echo chamber attacking the message is about as bereft of honesty as I have seen down here and that is saying something. so unless your willing to revise your strategy, with all due respect, ***** off.
  21. Russia is not unique in this regard, the US interferes in other countries elections and has for a long time now. let us not forget all the insurrections we initiated/supported in order to install a US puppet.
  22. most if not all foreign policy is run with certain objectives in mind. you give a little here to get a little there. it is called compromise or as a certain someone might call it, the art of the deal. the thing that should be the main issue of contention is the whys and wherefores of why certain stances are held on foreign policy. can you or anyone here state one thing that Trump has positioned the US's foreign policy on that gives any appearance of impropriety favoring Russia? i'll wait.and while im waiting perhaps you can answer this one as well, did i care that Obama gave Iran how many millions of US tax payer dollars, you bet your ass i did. would/did you give two thoughts about it? does it rise to the level of treason?
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