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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Ariens has come out today and said that he would be willing to consider Tampa because of his connections there. so, it appears that Ariens wants back in the club.
  2. they will never be legitimate contenders until McCoach can get consistent play week in and week out. against the Ravens, Packers, Colts, Bears and probably even the Chargers game, we were not ready to play a NFL game. that's 4/5 of a 16 game schedule or 25%. i do think he can motivate the guys to play well and at times over their heads. but to not acknowledge that there are troubling warning signs that he may not have 'it', is simply blind homerism. my biggest concern is that he may not be the right guy to properly develop Allen.
  3. except that you know... they didn't beat Hou, Jets and Miami. shoulda/woulda/coulda logic now passes as reasonable?
  4. so.. Lewis getting canned today was a done deal a few years ago?? mmmkay.
  5. no. you still have not learned that he can't throw a football yet?
  6. any chance we move on from Frazier? i wouldn't mind Bowles as DC.
  7. with possibly 4 teams drafting ahead of us that could potentially be in the market for a QB, i wouldn't put much faith in the BPA at 10 being anything close to a QB.
  8. literally the best thing they could do for Allen is to have a really good ground game.
  9. look for McCarthy to be a strong candidate.
  10. yeah, no. that isn't happening. McDaniels won't be taking a HC job in the AFC East.
  11. i'd just like to point out that.... the last time we held the 10th pick, we made the playoffs that year. of course, we also traded the rights to Mahomes....
  12. doesn't he still have one more year to collect Pegula pay stubs?
  13. our coach certainly could be considered a dichotomy of consistancy. there is no doubt that he can motivate his players and get them to overachieve. however, there is also no doubt that there are weeks when he just misses the mark completely. the fact that he regularly displays both extremes, as well as everything inbetween, should be a cause for concern. not knowing which team will play from week to week, to me is some what troubling. i think this next year, he needs to prove that they can be more consistent in their weekly play.
  14. 35 years ago, Isaac Asimov was asked by the Star to predict the world of 2019. Here is what he wrote
  15. predict what you think this new year will bring. specifics will help and are desired. will the special council actually find any dirt on Trump or will they be exposed as a cover for the crimes of the previous administration? will the House and Judiciary committee's investigation actually provide the public with evidence of wrong doing or is it merely the other side of the dog and pony show to hold them at bay? will the swamp be drained in a meaningful way? will Trump face impeachment? will Pelosi become Speaker of the House or will Ocasio-Cortez? does Schumer legally change his name to ***** U. Schumer? what about other areas out side of the political realm? will there be a massive volcano eruption and blot out the Sun? will there be a big earthquake that kills thousands of people? does Osama bin Laden make a public appearance? Best Buy file for Chapter 11? more mass public shootings? unicorns and rainbows fill the air? how much more snow will western NY receive? will the Bills make the playoffs? does Allen breakout?
  16. it only works if the Bears agree to be the Bills. can't have two teams trying to be 1 team. it would also throw the schedule into a mess with only 31 teams....
  17. i'm not sure we really needed to know Aunt Dot is in town....
  18. my question appears to have flown right over your head. let me try in more explicit terms. which is the bigger conspiracy, the one fostered by the MSM, that being Russian Collusion or whatever conspiracy it is you are deeming the President to be pushing? after two years of zero evidence of the Russian Collusion by Trump and even greater evidence of Democrat collusion, i am curious about this echo chamber you constantly refer to but seem to be oblivious of. further to your reply, could you please enlighten me as to when the last time the public sector has been punitively punished by the justice department for this corruption, you apparently think is confined to the Trump Administration? the echo chamber i refer to is the one you reside in. it really does not appear that you have much objectivity at all. you have been brian washed by the MSM and seem to be totally oblivious to that fact. they are all corrupt. by estimation, it is all by design. designed to keep you pitted against them (them not referring to the elite but rather your other plebs around you).
  19. honest question... which do you think is a bigger conspiracy the one fostered by the MSM, that being Russian Collusion or whatever conspiracy it is you are deeming the President to be pushing? after two years of zero evidence of the Russian Collusion by Trumpand even greater evidence of Democrat collusion, i am curious about this echo chamber you constantly refer to but seem to be oblivious of. so... your saying this is a sock puppet account. they have a word for that, it is called coward.
  20. i'd feel better about the thoughts if he hadn't also thought Taylor was going to be great as well.
  21. i put way more blame on the play calling today than on anything Allen did.
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