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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. perhaps it is just me, but isn't the IRS responsible for discerning personal tax returns and tax audits and referring anyone for charges found to have committed an unlawful act? just more posturing by the swamp.
  2. an older report but you can bet that the numbers today are much higher. Most foreign prisoners in US are Mexicans - report but yeah... illegals are not a problem. get your heads outta your rear ends.
  3. well, i guess one could argue, quite convincingly that both were/are last lines of defense. i too had to google Hindinberg Line....
  4. even after there is a one world order, the progressive libs will want to eliminate the Kármán line.
  5. doesn't the fact that Trump isn't taking a salary more than offset these raises? trust me, i am no fan of giving these swamp creatures anything but context is required.
  6. the account that released the material, _0rbit has been suspended by Twitter. 0rbiter.blogspot.com has also been removed. the bit.ly links are gone and so is the DTube apparently. the fact that the DTube is gone is probably the most disturbing to me as it is a blockchain based platform. it may be that the DTube video is still there, i may just have to work harder to find it.
  7. if this is as big as it sounds, a dedicated thread will probably be needed
  8. much like the 'apple orchard,' it depends upon your definition of 'cows'. knowing where 'boundaries' are is a good thing. thus, good fences make good neighbors.
  9. i must admit, i suffer from Brain Damage and may have been Eclipsed.
  10. you mean Allen was Player of the Week, right? Henry was AFC Offensive Player of the Month for December.
  11. okay color me just a bit confused then. this thread was buried 4 pages deep and you posted to it not even a minute after i resurrected it. posted a 65 word response not even a minute after it was resurrected? i might say that something is going on here but then another may come along and say that there are boogeymen around every corner..... perhaps the text was sitting in your editor when you reopened it.
  12. looking at the numbers again, i would say that we are in better position than the Jets at #2. sure they have $20mm more to spend than we do but they also have only 35 players signed at this point whereas we have 48 signed. Indy has 41 players signed and a whopping $37mm more to spend than we do so, they are far and away in a better position than we are.
  13. lol. the Colts @ 121mm and already a playoff team. they are going to be ridicules in the near future for the long term. McDaniels is an idiot.
  14. i dunno about that. you have seen and heard him on NFL broadcasts, right?
  15. why in the world would you pay someone $20 to take your $220?
  16. i'm not real big on the shoulda/woulda/coulda thing. at what point does one draw the line? heck, I could argue that we coulda/shoulda/woulda been 16-0 at this point too. you are what you are regardless of the endless possibilities. what we are is not bad right now, considering the context of it all.
  17. the trend of not showing up for a game at times is alarming to say the least. in '17 when we had back to back games against the Saints and Chargers where you could very reasonably argue we didn't show up that day could have been written off as an anomaly. however, when we had 4, possibly 5 games this year where we did the exact same thing is cause for concern. i am not convinced that McCoach is the right man for the job to this point. he will have to not have any of these moments next year to dispel this concern.
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