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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. geesh. from the tone and tenor of some of these postings, you would think that the visitors locker room was a gulag or something. nothing wrong with them, at all.
  2. a Motherboard article. Hackers Threaten to Dump Insurance Files Related to 9/11 Attacks note: the Pastebin file has been removed, most likely by staff.
  3. i wonder if they used VKontakte to promote their candidate?
  4. doesn't Clowney play RDE mostly (Hughes' position)?
  5. that game was so cold.... you needed a cozie on your beer to prevent it from freezing.
  6. that article was posted at 10:41 last night. a good bit of the information contained within sure looks like it was derived straight from this thread. good article all the same.
  7. Beast says Kelly threw one up into the stands and it went maybe two thirds of the way up the lower bowl.
  8. memories are so very subjective and easily manipulated.
  9. what exactly are you ***** ***** at? the headline or the first sentence where it states he was killing civilians? or possibly that he stabbed a critically wounded IS fighter? that article sure is a mess of conflicting information.
  10. if you read the Quora link i posted, a few of the responses go into the height at second intervals and i think they give a formula for that equation as well..
  11. you the man. i'm guessing he would have to try another part of the stadium as 50 yards may be too much. 60 degree trajectory angle gets him to a height of 29.36561 meters/96.343864829 feet. even if he were to throw it at an 80 degree angle, he only gets it to 38.85673 meters/127.48270997 feet. any way you slice it, it will be hard to do.
  12. kudos. i could not find something like that and i looked. i found a calculus calculator but couldn't figure out how to get the h= formula into it.
  13. i am not smart enough to calculate the equation. however, until someone that can comes along... looking around.... 62mph equals 27.7165 meters/second and 110 feet equals 33.528 meters. according to Quora, a ball thrown upward with an initial velocity of 30 m/s can achieve a height of 45.918 meters. this would seem to say that it is quite possible. hopefully someone here will do the correct calculation.
  14. you may be right after a bit of thinking and a brief search on the subject. i think the formula below is the correct one. i believe we would need to know the velocity of his throw. Physics: Throwing a Football. Is it truly parabolic? ... UPDATE: Mathematical answer to your question. We can use equations of projectile motion as follows. Equation for the trajectory of a projectile motion: y=xtanθ−g2u2cos2θx2y=xtan⁡θ−g2u2cos2⁡θx2 (yes it is an equation of parabola but I have mentioned earlier that the mathematical formula and calculations dealing with trajectories of object are approximated to parabola) Now from your question we can have to situations: CASE-1: When the object is thrown inclined at an angle θ1θ1 with a velocity uu Then the maximum height the object will reach is given by: h=u2sin2θ12gh=u2sin2⁡θ12g Now if θ1=30∘θ1=30∘ and initial velocity u=100 m/su=100 m/s (just for consideration) Then the maximum Height the object will reach is equal to: h=127.55h=127.55 meters Now using the same angle and velocity, if we calculate the maximum distance traveled(called the range of projectile) we have Rmax=u2sin2θ1gRmax=u2sin⁡2θ1g Now by plugging in the values, we have R=883.69R=883.69 meters CASE-2: When the object is thrown at a higher angle than before but with same velocity. Now say the angle θ2=60∘θ2=60∘ (Higher angle than before) and u=100 m/su=100 m/s Then by using the same equation used before we have h=382.65h=382.65 meters and R=441.83R=441.83 meters RESULT: We can clearly see that the maximum height in case-1 is less than that of case-2 and the maximum range in case-1 is higher than that of case-2
  15. i've heard it said that Josh could throw the ball 80 yards down the field. for arguments sake, lets say he could throw it only 70 yards down the field. that is 210 feet. if the field is 50 feet below ground and the top of the sands is 60 feet above ground level that is 110 feet in toto. we must assume that throwing the ball almost straight up he would lose quite a bit of that 210 feet. would he lose 101 feet, i dunno. seems like a reasonable question and one that doesn't seem entirely unlikely. i would say he could do it. i'm sure there is a formula to figure it.
  16. ummm... okay. you do realize that probably the only other Reps that take her seriously are the other SJW's elected this year, right?
  17. i dunno. the world today is a drastically different place. lets hope we never have to find out.
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