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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i like a good whiskey sour every now and then.
  2. the one you quoted was not. unless that is his blog.
  3. it is not B-Man's fault that headlines are not indicative of the content of said articles. it is everywhere today.
  4. ture but then again the Brownies would have to have an interest in Ariens for him to be a candidate.
  5. i don't enjoy the previous display of discourse but my god..... sometimes you just have to say that ***** stinks to high heaven.
  6. you're off your rocker this morning....are you that addled that you do not understand what i am saying? or are you just feigning ignorance???
  7. oh boy. i don't think you understand that which you speak of. not really surprising considering the voluminous display of your underpinnings down here. an anarchist advocates for the classless, self-governed societies based on voluntary, cooperative institutions, rejecting unjust hierarchy. or perhaps something you might better understand, free associations. but other than that... yeah it's pretty immoral and selfish. idiot. again, with all due respect.... you really are dense aren't you?
  8. are you saying that your previous post about installing a king was not in any way referenced to Trump? do i have to go find the post where you spoke of this? sure, you can speak out against demagoguery i encourage it. however it usually works better if the base upon which one stands is not built upon a demagoguery.
  9. strawman. please .... where have i ever, ever stated that i want our leaders to coalesce power? i am anarchist. the gift of another strawman for you to build upon. your doing quite poor at this.
  10. make sure and do me a favor... let me know when they come for you so i can pretend to care.
  11. with as much respect as i can muster.... you and your kind crack me up. everyone else is an idiot until they come for you. you seem to have forgotten what the first revolutionary war was all about. taxation without representation.....
  12. i'm not sure but if you read the thread, your answer just might be answered. again, i'm not sure... just a thought about the purpose of a thread... you know... on a forum...
  13. you can delineate and label them however you like, a tax is a tax by any other name. disguising them is by design.
  14. if you calculate all the taxes you pay today, it is pretty close to over 50% of your income.
  15. of course, but the word bump implies and is generally accepted as meaning it is making an attempt at resurrecting a dying thread. Dirty B's posting coming 10 minutes after the one preceding it doesn't make that distinction.
  16. to be fair, i don't think you could classify Dirty B's post as a bump.
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