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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i believe he was also the passing game coordinator and occasionally called the defensive plays. with that said.... ***** the Phish.
  2. i generally do as well but it is hard to catch every little thing.
  3. huh, i thought Rod Marinelli was the DC in Dallas.
  4. ummm... because you exist in a binary world? not sure but ....
  5. lol, my bad. forgot to check the date. thanks for the check. it was on DT Jr. twitter a couple days ago....
  6. okay, let go with your....unbridled enthusiasm for a minute. please be honest if you can. so, we just let in whomever wants to come in. i assume you advocate for the admission of the sick, diseased, addled and weak not to mention the unskilled who have absolutely no ability to hold a job. lets say this year we let in 10 million illegals, next year we let in 50 million illegals. the American social welfare economic model begins to seriously teeter to the point where it is essentially insoluble trying to care for all these people. the only solution is to raise taxes to the 70% rate but, you know we can't do that because AOC has already raised it to that level to fund her Green energy programs. at what point do you say we cannot sustain this? is it when the American way of life is brought to third world standards? that is certainly what you are advocating whether you want to admit it or not.
  7. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 The multiple laws which governed immigration and naturalization to that time were brought into one comprehensive statute, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. It (1) reaffirmed the national origins quota system, (2) limited immigration from the Eastern Hemisphere while leaving the Western Hemisphere unrestricted, (3) established preferences for skilled workers and relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens; and (4) tightened security and screening standards and procedures. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 The Hart-Cellar Act abolished the national origins quota system but still maintained was the principle of numerical restriction by establishing 170,000 Hemispheric and 20,000 per country ceilings and a seven-category preference system (favoring close relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens, those with needed occupational skills, and refugees) for the Eastern Hemisphere and a separate 120,000 ceiling for the Western Hemisphere. lets not forget the Act of 1906 1906 English language requirement Procedural safeguards for naturalization were enacted. Knowledge of English was made a basic requirement. resource
  8. what happened to the day when you had to bring a benefit to America with you when you came? you know, a skill, a trade something that benefited the American society. not a drain upon that society. the dishonesty from the left is so blatant that it is amazing their constituency doesn't see right through it. that or they choose not to because #orangemanbad.
  9. i pretty much hold the belief that Reich is charmed. not just because he had a pretty good career in the NFL or that he led not only the greatest comeback in the NFL but in the college ranks as well. moreso because he wasn't hired by the Bills. no way was any coach going to be successful with the likes of the QB's we had here. forward to today... McDaniels pulls perhaps the biggest boneheaded move of all time and backs out of the Indy job to pave the way for Frank. the colts are set up to be very good for a very long time. get 'em Frank!
  10. Ford Cancels a $1.6 Billion Mexico Plant and Adds 700 Jobs in Michigan
  11. lol. the message is built on deception. did the gist of my post not register?
  12. i used to look there to read Gordon Duff (? (i think)) years ago. they are more of neo-con type thinking than anything else. which in and of itself wouldn't be so bad as long as you understood that they were coming at you from that platform. it is the fact that they are trying to manipulate you in a obvious way by employing the subtle use of NLP. whereby capitalizing words in an ordinary sentence structure to give them added weight in an unsuspecting way. i try to avoid agenda driven narratives that blatantly want to manipulate my thinking. she would be much more beautiful with a couple of towers in the background.
  13. no, i didn't read the article because i have in the past.
  14. i don't know that i would take away much of anything from WND.
  15. is it just me or does Chuck U remind anyone else of Butthead?
  16. problem with this is that Chuck doesn't represent you. he represents the State of New York.
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