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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it was also superior in many ways to the 60's.
  2. when you gonna stop ducking my questions, Gugs?
  3. i think most people would rush over to make sure someone who tripped was alright. the key here is that the person who tripped might just laugh at themselves for being clumsy or the person who rushed over to make sure they were okay might try to offer up a bit of humor as levity to let the person know that everything is okay.
  4. and... i'll stick this here as well. be careful that if your going to a Sabres game, you don't end up in Lake Ontario. GPS satellites operate off this. Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
  5. be careful that if your going to a Sabres game, you don't end up in Lake Ontario. GPS satellites operate off this. Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
  6. i do not mean to argue nor upset you over this. i truly sense that is deeply ingrained, i am only trying to enlighten and give a different perspective so that it may help you with where you are. as such this will be my last post on the matter. Stevie Wonder often joked about his blindness and he was a man who was blind all his life so i think he has a good perspective upon it. one that he was able to accept and understand that, sometimes, if you don't laugh at it, it will tear you asunder. i don't intend any malice with my postings here. In 2016 Stevie Wonder cracks blind jokes at the Grammies ...Stevie Wonder stole the show last night as he made a joke about being blind while presenting the award for Song of the Year at the Grammys. He made the quip after opening the envelope for the award, revealing that the words were written in braille. Wonder said: 'So I'm gonna break this open. I'm gonna pop it open you know... 'So ahah ! Y'all can't read this right? You can't read braille! 'Ha ha ! You can't read this, you can't read this ! 'You can't read braille, nananana!' And while the room exploded into laughter, he followed the quip with a serious message: 'We need to make every single thing accessible to every person with a disability.' The internet immediately blew up, with people taking to social media to congratulate the singer on making light of his disability. ... Andra Day on Stevie ...“What I didn’t expect about working with Stevie was that he makes so many jokes about being blind,” continues the 30-year-old. “At the end of a session, he’ll say, ‘OK, see you guys later, so I’m just gonna get in my car and drive home.’ ...
  7. i am sincerely sorry for what happened to you. the fact that you are not yet able to laugh at what happened to you probably is proof that you are still in a stage of grief/fear/shock.
  8. all (good) humor is based in truth. if ya can't laugh at yerself......
  9. a DHS document outlining the threat of SIA's (migrants from terrorist nations)
  10. i am pretty sure we would have to trade up to 7th to take him....
  11. ladders may work from the side your coming from, but then what? drop 30' to the ground? seems like you are asking for trouble not to mention dropping kids from that height might not be the best advice.
  12. i do. however probably not in the way you're thinking. i think it is them against us and it is only a matter of time before the shooting starts in earnest.
  13. right. Dems would just assume hand it off to the Repubs rather than have to deal with that kind of stupid for any longer than they have to.
  14. i know it's a bit windy in that city of yours but you must be really feeling the daft right about now huh?
  15. oh good. i'm sure you, your wife and your children won't mind then if we have ICE just drop an illegal family off at your doorstep while your away so they can come right in and make themselves at home. of course, you won't be surprised that they are there when you get home and we can also assume that you will not be calling the police. make sure you take good care of them, feed them, bathe them, care for their medical needs and schooling and trust me, they will need schooling because they probably don't speak English nor are they able to support themselves. so glad we have people like you to take care of these poor misfortunate people. we will pray that you don't end up a statistic like many others have. best of luck to you and thank you again. ?
  16. all due respect but, this is nonsense. Tyson was in the GOAT conversation until Buster Douglas came along.
  17. yeah, no. i'm not saying you can't cut through them. rather that you are going to need some serious tooling to do so. a 'saw' is not really going to do it.
  18. well, i try to consider input from places that are not aligned with my perspective just to keep it real and not get me locked into an echo chamber. that being said, when it rises to the level of pure stupidity, i just scroll past it. plus i have to admit, i like Tibs . i believe there is hope for him yet.
  19. so... you can only boast if your in the GOAT conversation?
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