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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. no concern about being arrested for posting an instagram, huh? they really are winning aren't they.....
  2. perhaps a return to the days of property owners only having the ability to vote is in order.
  3. "it is not normal to shut down the government when we don't get what we want"
  4. i don't know if you could handle working along side a deplorable.
  5. no, you don't have to justify your life to a bunch of internet retards. what you do have to do though is to justify your life to your loved ones and those who depend upon you. that you don't live within your means is noone fault but your own. yes, living paycheck to paycheck is not living within your means. it means you are living up against the edge. yes, many Americans do it but they too live along the (l)edge. life presents many perils in its wake, the risk of being furloughed from a governmental job is but one. the risk of having a serious health issue is amongst a plethora of others and only one example of another. that you probably prepare for one and not the other is not the internet's retards fault, it is your own. this is outside of any political persuasion, it is more a question of human issue of idiocy. to put oneself that close the the (l)edge just plain stupid. but i digress, it is your life and you are allowed to live it as you see fit within the confines of what society considers as legally free will. yeah okay Hillary. you still haven't learned anything i see. perhaps go back to that teet you suckle from and thank them for your cushy lifestyle, courtesy of course, from all those deplorables you so despise.
  6. i wonder when your book reading adventures will get to, 'Mary Poppins' so that we might all benefit from diatribes from that perspective.
  7. i wonder what security they had whilst partying down in PR.
  8. i'm slightly perplexed as to what exactly is going on here.
  9. i would feel much better about Allen's prospects if transplant wasn't so rabid about him.
  10. i have no idea how she survived this. https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1085616746759929856
  11. we have been addressing this undercurrent down here for a long time. long before my time here.
  12. well, for one thing.... when is the last time your elected representative represented you? they are beholden to their own, not you nor i. they legislate by what they think is best for you (and what they are told is best for you), not what you think is best. again, it is unreasonable based upon recent history to say they need to be locked in a room because that is never going to happen. period.
  13. i agree. building a useful wall is in the country's best interests however. i'm sure you know that this is never going to happen, so the suggestion of it is a non starter and does little to bolster your argument.
  14. just ask the head troll in your cubicle farm who it is that gives you your narratives for the day.
  15. this is a Williams team (even if there are none, atm) there is only room for one McCoy. you choose.
  16. so, you were just being disingenuous asking who funds ISIS. are you really this bad at .... whatever it is you're trying to accomplish?
  17. i'm sure your aware but for the intended recipient, he should also understand that all of the above is made infinitely easier by the fact that 6 corporations own roughly 90% of all media. he might want to ask himself why, when a new narrative is thrust upon the scene, that that narrative is everywhere, at the same time.
  18. Well, I went to a party And what did they do? They took off their socks And they took off there shoes, They took off their coats, And they took off their pants. I had a hunch, They weren't gonna dance. ...
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