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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. oh, the FED can most certainly go lower. if Japan can go NIRP, you can bet we can too.
  2. that QE I, II, III or QE Infinity didn't/hasn't come home to roost definitely says something. what I am not exactly sure because i was almost certain that it would have by now. it doesn't mean that it isn't still coming however. i do know that banks are not passing the stress tests with the ease that they have been recently.
  3. not to mention that the CBP has stated repeatedly that a barrier is an effective means of deterrent.
  4. i'm saying that they are not necessarily guilty of the alleged allegations. in today's, 'environment', with all the SJW bull#### that is permeating society, just the mere allegation may have been enough to find a 'cause'. people are so afraid of being or appearing to be politically incorrect that they are afraid of any appearance of items such as these. so much so that they would rather get rid of the problem than have to defend it. not to mention that what may have been innocent yesterday, may not be viewed that way today. i'm not saying they (accused) did or didn't do what they were accused of, i have no idea. i just know that in a different day and time (not so long ago) the threshold of believable guilt was probably a lot higher than it currently is today. right?
  5. what does it say when the FED is the largest buyer of those bonds?
  6. right. so you are just going to quote me and say the exact same thing with different words, gotcha. thanks for playing, run along now.
  7. what... your just going to quote and reply with the same thing that was said in different words? alrighty then.....
  8. it was war driven, nothing more. i guess it could be said that the .gov drove it....
  9. i read the whole story. personnel departmental findings does not constitute a conviction within a court of law. it is not beyond the realm of possibility that in today's 'environment' just the mere 'allegation' of impropriety would be enough to make a 'personnel department finding' that would suggest the dismissal to avoid any 'appearances' of condoning said behavior. if they were found guilty, the headline should not state that the allegation is alleged. it is so because of legal ramifications.
  10. and i quote, "HarborCenter execs resigned after alleged sexual harassment", end quote.
  11. so it's safe to say that the Skins are not sold on Josh Johnson?
  12. it's a crazy ***** world when all that is required for your termination is an allegation.
  13. the US dollar is a debt marker. all fiat is for that matter.
  14. i dunno, i've spent many a Fall harvesting cabbage and an equally many Winters trimming those cabbage. do you have something against cabbage to defame it so?
  15. Visions of a 70% Tax Rate ... When the Tax Foundation authors considered the effect on behavior and incentives—why bother with that extra investment if most of the money will go to government?—they found that a 70% top rate on all income would lose the government $63.5 billion over 10 years. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez won’t admit it, but she and her socialist friends will eventually have to go where the real money is: The middle class. That means higher tax rates on even modest wage earners; taxes on retirement savings like 401(k)s or college savings accounts. Remember this the next time a Democrat or columnist who claims to be conservative says he’ll finance a program by hitting the 1% of earners who already pay more than a third of America’s income taxes. Sooner or later they’re coming after you.
  16. responsibility and fault can mean two different things. Trump could very well be responsible while the Dems are at fault. why is it obnoxious? does it not essentially boil down to the same thing?
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