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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. where is the Democrats response? Chuckles.... Nancy??
  2. great offer of compromise. the ball is now squarely in the Democrats court.
  3. hopefully one of these feeds work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LMKwsayAZE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q2x4CWgXEc
  4. i guess this is as good a place as any... the hits just keep on coming. really just unbelievable. Rep. Jackson Lee refuses to step down from CBC Foundation amid retaliation allegations Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is refusing demands to step down as leader of the Congressional Black Caucus’ nonprofit arm amid claims she fired one of her congressional staffers over rape allegations. Jackson Lee was told by the CBC Foundation’s board to resign during a lengthy call on Thursday night, according to two sources with knowledge of the conversation. Jackson Lee resisted those demands, and the call abruptly ended as other board members were trying to figure out how to continue the conversation without the Texas Democrat. ... ... According to the lawsuit at the center of the controversy, the former staffer, identified only as Jane Doe, alleges that she was fired from Jackson Lee’s office last year after she indicated that she wanted to pursue legal action against a man whom she says raped her when she was an intern for the CBCF. The man worked as intern coordinator for the CBCF at the time of the alleged incident. ...
  5. RBG has developed complications with pneumonia and is fighting for her life? the outlet that first reported she had lung cancer is now reporting she is deathly ill. Stricken with Pneumonia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Cancels Event Set for January 29, 2019 ... Following surgery, she has developed complications including pneumonia. Pneumonia often afflicts elderly post surgery patients in the US, since antibiotics have resulted in Multi Resistant Strains of the lung infection. ...
  6. oh, it's on. the fallout hasn't settled yet though.
  7. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1086395559504764930
  8. ummm... with all due respect, i'm going to have to call bull####. you said, "I shouldn't have expected any more from someone who still thinks it's funny and acceptable to casually use the term "retards".". wherein, you clearly are trying to demean and shame the usage of the chosen term, 'retard'. i would respect it more if it were owned. i still wouldn't agree with the objective but at least i would respect the origin of the thought. be honest, with yourself at the very least.
  9. control the words a man can use and you control the thought process. words have meaning. if the term ''retard' is offensive to you, perhaps you need to look inward to come to grips with your own demons. 1984 appendix
  10. @teef Another TV newscaster says similar slur to Jeremy Kappell, apologizes, won't be fired one wonders where Lovely is. why hasn't she called for this man's firing?
  11. except that... you know.... Muslims are allowed. did i get lost again?
  12. i believe the only reason we got away with it to this point is because the USD is the world's reserve. that only goes so far though. kept up, there will come a point where other nations reject the USD and that would be the beginning of a bifurcated dollar. all regimes die at some point. ours has outlived the norm and as such, it is living on borrowed time.
  13. understood but if we use history as a guide, anywhere else money has been created out of thin air to the extent QE did, it has not just created inflation but rather hyperinflation.
  14. are you aware of the terms of their dismissal? might they have gotten a parachute if they resigned? i don't know to be honest but i can think of a myriad of reasons to not fight it. they did, through their attorney, deny the allegations, from day one. from the article, Fattey, "... developed a "spotless reputation" in his 14 years in the hockey community...". sexual predators do not suddenly emerge over night, they tend to have other episodes in their past that may possibly portend such actions. a "spotless reputation" does not seem to suggest that. again, i have no idea whether they are guilty or not. i don't like to see a man's reputation besmirched nor his life destroyed because of a false allegation. i only hope that justice was served here. that everyone is ready to jump on the guilty bandwagon is troubling in this day and age.
  15. yet, those with much more life experience (CBP) say that it an effective tool. pay no attention though, just continue to profess that you know more than the boots on the ground.
  16. were they offered resignation or did they resign of their own volition?
  17. right, just google 'Cypriot haircut' if anyone needs to learn more.
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