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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. more like a stopped clock type thing....
  2. for you, @Tiberius https://twitter.com/AClementsWKRC/status/1086822521012473858
  3. you ought to drink Folgers everyday. this is up there with possibly the best thing to ever fall off your finger tips.
  4. two solid years of #orangemanbad without a scintilla of evidence. keep yelling from the rooftops though to inform everyone how deep your Trump Derangement Syndrome is.
  5. nah, i would venture that it is actually the propagandized press that is responsible. not to mention that there is probably more to the story than a talking points memo would have you believe.
  6. but, but... it is an impeachable offense. the Democrats wettest dream come true. why aren't these 'sources' stepping forward to do what the Left so desperately wants? hint: because they aren't legit. ah yes. after listening to you incessantly stake your whole Trump downfall narrative on what Mueller will be producing only to see you now change that narrative. priceless!
  7. lol. when beginning a new sentence a double space is considered proper etiquette. no, no... you're welcome.
  8. Omission ribbon suddenly beginner's cries betrayed by the mind
  9. 37 instances of documented fake news... https://twitter.com/djjohnso/status/1086424261709881344
  10. there is talk that the Buzzfeed story might have been a plant to find a leaker, which would make a good bit of sense.
  11. DeSean Jackson unlikely to remain with Buccaneers prolly be a better option than Antonio Brown.
  12. the tone and tenor is subtle but it is shifting. https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1086756248119316482
  13. he actually voted for the Village People. https://i.imgur.com/y85sun8.jpg
  14. hell yeah i'll be watching. not to mention it is the test run for Superbowl food tweaks.
  15. hey, it is a change in the rhetoric. they actually acknowledged concessions. that means we are moving in the right direction.
  16. this was posted at the top of the hour. meaning they didn't even listen to the offer and it was already scripted. https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1086730113369165827
  17. hey turd puncher, why don't you go see what Trudeau is doing.
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