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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i thought it was already in play with Ambrosia.
  2. the Dems don't view the Judiciary as an equal, they only exist to pass injunctions that suit the Democrats agenda.
  3. straight out of the Saul Alinsky handbook. accuse them of what you yourself are doing.
  4. is not this the definition of what Walmart and Amazon, did?
  5. huh. i wonder how Amazon and Walmart got their start. we are already on our way. 3D printing is making significant progress in fields other than plastic. They already can do food, albeit i'm not sure you would want to eat that stuff, yet. they are working on body parts... a lot of stuff in the pipeline.
  6. oh, that is rich. the anarchist in me loves this. ETA: the article is from October of '16?
  7. but, the thing is.... he is getting a pass from the propaganda press. he will not receive any scrutiny at all, from them.
  8. i would think Russia would want their missiles before they even give Maduro a thought.
  9. "what border sheriffs have long said: that a border wall is only part of a solution to a decades-long problem."
  10. so, your coming around to the idea that we should build a wall. congratulations, better late than never.
  11. is Nancy Pelosi's in the pocket of a Mexican political party?
  12. if you don't want to believe a Yuma County Sheriff, i suppose.
  13. ‘Nobody Is Going to Believe You’ The Bohemian Rhapsody director Bryan Singer has been trailed by accusations of sexual misconduct for 20 years. Here, his alleged victims tell their stories.
  14. be careful, his head might not fit in the cubicle.
  15. this just makes too much sense. FED BOMBSHELL: Fusion GPS Bribed Dozens of MSM Journalists With Cash, While News Companies Paid Firm to Dig Dirt on Trump
  16. https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1087903480138919936
  17. https://twitter.com/IncarnatedET/status/1088115396924723205
  18. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1088095585352253441
  19. more evidence of cracks in the Democrats position. when one of your major mouthpieces posts something that directly contradicts your stance, do you disown them? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1088149393851760642
  20. @oldmanfan Indy, you began today's foray into the shutdown argument with agreement of a previous discussion that words matter and that the precision of those words are very important. i am glad you agree with many of us here, that that matter is of the utmost importance in any dialogue. you then proceed to go off on Trump stating that he has to own the shutdown because he stated he would. this is somewhat disingenuous. an equal part of words having meaning, is that having those words in context is essential to grasp the full meaning of what was said. as i'm sure you know, a sound bite can be taken to convey something entirely different than what was meant, in context. i don't believe you to be dishonest, so i will have to say that you are just not well informed as to what the context was of that statement or that possibly you have a blind spot due to political leanings. Trump stated that he would own the government shutdown if he didn't get what he wanted, that being funding for the border wall. further, in fuller context, it was meant that he would shut it down for border security. and, to put the fuller context into a more complete contextual setting, a little history should be considered. I shall attempt to provide that context below. previously, Trump was promised that he would have his border funding by the end of the year. a bill was upon his desk and the promise was made in order to get him to sign the bill, a cheeseburger tomorrow for payment today. ...President Donald Trump is attacking Republican leaders in Congress, saying they haven’t kept promises that he would get money for his long-promised border wall by year’s end. Trump says in a tweet that when he “begrudgingly” signed an earlier spending bill, he was “promised the Wall and Border Security by leadership. Would be done by end of year (NOW). It didn’t happen!”... so, we now then come to the days just ahead of the shutdown and what transpired in the congressional halls. ... The Senate on Friday considered legislation to fund the government agencies through Feb. 8 and appropriate $5.7 billion to build 215 miles of wall structures along the Mexico border. The House passed that legislation Thursday evening, but Senate Democrats successfully unified on Friday and refused to back that measure. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Friday that Democrats were open to talks with the White House and Republicans but would not agree to any measure that funded the construction of a new border wall. Schumer said Friday that the Senate had unanimously agreed to a spending bill earlier in the week and accused Trump of having a “temper tantrum” because he wasn’t getting money for the wall. “President Trump, you will not get your wall,” Schumer said. “You’re not getting your wall today, next week or on Jan. 3 when Democrats take control of the House.” Democrats tried to make clear to the White House for weeks that they had the votes to block any measure that contained money for the wall. As their power became clear to White House officials, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders signaled Tuesday that Trump was planning to withdraw his request for the funds in an effort to keep the government open. But he received a torrent of criticism from conservative lawmakers and commentators following this decision, and he reversed course on Thursday, scuttling a temporary, bipartisan spending bill that would have extended funding through Feb. 8 but did not contain wall money. Trump on Friday urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to change long-standing Senate rules to pass the House’s measure providing $5.7 billion for the wall. McConnell refused, making it impossible for Senate Republicans to push the measure through because Democrats control 49 seats in the 100-member chamber. ... ... “We’re going to be working very hard to get something passed in the Senate,” Trump said earlier Friday in the Oval Office. “Now it’s up to the Democrats as to whether or not we have a shutdown tonight. I hope we don’t, but we’ve very much prepared for a long shutdown.” ... further, from the same article, Chuck U. Shumer said the following: ... “President Trump, you will not get your wall,” Schumer said. “You’re not getting your wall today, next week or on Jan. 3 when Democrats take control of the House.” ... forward to this past Saturday and Trump offered a grand compromise, ceding to many of the Democrats demands. which for all his efforts, was rejected out of hand before he even formally made the new offer. so... please tell me in an unabashed, nonpartisan way who is to blame for the gov shutdown? does Trump own the shutdown because he said he would in order to get what the american people who voted him into office wanted? do the Republicans own it because they promised him funding by the end of the year? do the Democrats own it because they wouldn't allow a vote on the bill passed by the House? do Democrats own it because they stated outright that Trump would never get his wall? do the Democrats own it because they have previously argued and voted for a border wall and now are only against it because Trump wants it? these are completely honest, serious questions. one last item here... being responsible for something is not the same as being at fault for something. you can be responsible for something while the actual fault lies elsewhere.
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