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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. sure. you know i like to mess with you.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ebv3i_9Ltc
  3. just so i understand your position here... a 5% crime level by people who are here illegally, is acceptable ?
  4. the only way Bernie wins is if Hillary decides to run again.
  5. and, you know, when the media gets ahold of it the person being attacked will be the perpetrator and thusly crucified unmercifully.
  6. umm... i'll take, i read your post, for $200 Alex?
  7. is it on, like Donkey Kong? ***** those banksters. https://twitter.com/UnityNewsNet/status/1088563285530734592
  8. and there you have it, people. the utter and complete brain washing by the main stream propaganda presstitutes.
  9. we already know he has the narrative all worked out if Trump declares an emergency on the southern border and diverts funds that way,.
  10. i hope you are working on your narrative for when he gets his funding.
  11. lol! please show me where i stated you called for him to be banned?
  12. the Floor, Live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NJdTQDqbSw
  13. i would suggest you give the 10 day window DR has offered up before you look foolish.
  14. cripes, Francis. lighten up and recognize a joke when you see one.
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