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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it's all anecdotal though...
  2. https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1258781203643150337
  3. https://twitter.com/GregRubini/status/1258937148369141760
  4. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1258969018188382211
  5. i've said it before and i'll say it again... vitamin D. get out of your house and get some of that Sun.
  6. @Warren Zevon still hasn't shown his ugly mug?
  7. for context: https://twitter.com/ODNIgov/status/1258853975639678977 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ODNI News Release No. 15-20 May 8, 2020 Acting DNI Grenell Announces ODNI Organizational Changes WASHINGTON, D.C. – Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell today announced several organizational changes to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Under staff and leadership review for over a year, these reforms will save government resources, enhance support to ODNI's Department of Defense partners and customers, strengthen the Intelligence Community's (IC) cyber posture, and improve mission management and outreach. Highlights of these changes include: A Sunset of ODNI's Directorate of National Security Partnerships • To reduce bureaucracy and more efficiently use taxpayer dollars while improving effectiveness, ODNI's Directorate of National Security Partnerships (NSP) will sunset and its national intelligence management and partnership functions will transfer to existing DNI organizations. • This change, which reunites all of ODNI's mission management functions in a single organization and folds ODNI's partnership organization into the strategic communications and information sharing groups, will move ODNI from four directorates to three, reducing manpower and management overhead. Establishing a DNI Advisor for Military Affairs • These reforms will transition the existing NSP flag officer position into a new role, the Director's Advisor for Military Affairs (DAMA). The DAMA will serve as the DNI's principal advisor on military affairs and as a liaison to the Department of Defense. • This position will unify ODNI efforts on behalf of the Department of Defense and better enable ODNI to meet the needs of its warfighting partners. Combining existing organizations into a single IC Cyber Executive • These reforms will combine four previously separate ODNI organizations focused on cyber into a single organization, the IC Cyber Executive. • This position will provide a single ODNI focal point for the cyber mission, which will strengthen the IC's cyber posture to better defend U.S. national security interests. ### Published in Press Releases 2020 Tagged under odni
  8. umm... with increased testing, shouldn't the positive rate fall as a byproduct?
  9. i would think that he should be very upset with Van Grack's misrepresentations. as Techo Frog pointed out, those, 'misrepresentations' (some might call them 'lies'), caused him to issue an inaccurate opinion. i don't imagine any judge wants to be lied to and thus have it reflect badly back upon them. @Koko78 might have some insight on this.
  10. Fitton paraphrased... 'i expect judge Sullivan to pursue criminal contempt proceedings against the prosecutors'... '(Sullivan should ask) who knew what and when did they know it?'
  11. yeah, i dunno if i buy the denial under oath. i wouldn't be surprised if she knew how they knew intimate details surrounding Trump. somebodies gotta give it up so the whole boat sinks.
  12. https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1258601813084864514
  13. that's okay... you just stay in your mom's Soro's basement bunker, we'll let you know when it's okay to come out. maybe...
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9pCEnEqaz8&feature=emb_logo
  15. tell me again how you want MOAR. go ahead, i'll wait. https://twitter.com/delbigtree/status/1258125685014568960 US Begins To Implement WHO “Contact Tracing” To Forcibly Remove People From Their Homes? ... California will be the test pilot for this program which they have stated will serve as the template nationwide. Welcome to COVID1984. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuToCqoRVHM&feature=emb_logo
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDuhYzIIZ0c&feature=emb_logo
  17. the guys story is pretty wild (thread). https://twitter.com/Multimaniaco/status/1258458665360789505
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0N9ods8Se4&feature=emb_logo
  19. get ready for a whole lot more of this in the days/weeks ahead...
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_51VgEFZAV/
  21. just my opinion but... as the dam has sprung several leaks, soon to be a flood... the Dems don't have a prayer... down ticket, up ticket or sideways ticket. they have shot themselves in the foot and it is potentially hemoragic. they may have literally killed themselves.
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