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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i would have named it, 'Aunt Dot'. 😁
  2. i have always thought that having the job of naming colors would be interesting.
  3. not that my opinion matters but... point values should depend on the moral values of the board, what kind of face is desired to be presented and what would be a required total for disciplinary measures (bans). outside of certain transgressions, yes, points should expire. as hard as it is to institute across the board, the strive to eliminate arbitrariness of misconduct should be one of the top priorities. uniformity is key to being fair. any and all decisions... keep it professional... business not personal.
  4. say goodbye to fans at Bills stadium for the KC game...
  5. while i agree, the Rams are no slouch, if we are going to beat the Patriots this year, we need to shore up our run defense.
  6. i don't remember who was covering who but... the first play of the 4th quarter should have been a pick 6. if our CB had been playing the ball, easy 6 there.
  7. he's gonna win the 'Angry Run' award again this week.
  8. i was right and i still abided as if i had lost. i think we both won though. i don't think you should jinx it, as long as the ride is going, just let it go...
  9. gotta be the 3rd and 22 completion to Beaser.
  10. i think the 'Gase watch' is officially on.
  11. can we get Snopes to check this one as well?
  12. aren't you libtards tired of being gaslit yet? it doesn't take very long these days for karma to kick you in the ass and out the outright lies you're being fed. yet... you fall for it every single time. does it hurt yet? do you enjoy the pain, are you a masochist? what is it gong to take to get through to you?? https://twitter.com/Heminator/status/1309836699028074497
  13. Even Seen a Bear? (Take 2) should a, 'Take 3' have happened? kind of makes one wonder what 'Take 1' consisted of???
  14. HBD, may you have many more.
  15. they have these browsers today that automatically translate foreign languages. no need to be excluded or actually learn Italian if you don't have the time nor inclination.
  16. just allow the fans back in the stands for cripes sake...
  17. glad you're still with us, Wacka.
  18. this is rich, coming from you.
  19. dead, alive? brain dead, not brain dead? https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1309361372376059906
  20. in case anyone wants to view it, for the time being it is here.
  21. ahem... https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1309305580708859905
  22. i mean... the NLP served up by the Pressstitutes is bad, very bad. my entire in-law family is subsummed by the entire narrative put forth by the machine. the wife was so fearful that she was going to infect them with CV-19, visiting them has been off limits. thankfully, because she missed them terribly, she finally relented this past weekend. as the discussion turned towards politics, my MIL got very animated in her protests to my dissent of her 'facts'. i tried to be as gentle as possible in pointing out that the news is indeed fake. she kept returning to the tired, cultured, sound bytes we hear so much of from the MSM. i kept trying to impart small vignettes of reality but the focus kept shifting to a, 'what about this... that...' my heart sank when the wife stated, matter of factly, 'it doesn't matter what you say... we aren't voting for Trump'. love her dearly but this mushroom perspective is what is currently wrong with the segment of our society that doesn't want to invest the time nor the effort to discover for themselves what is actually truth. they still just want their pablum spoon fed to them because they don't really know any other way.
  23. kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out. https://youtu.be/L1t6fNnLOfo?t=33
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