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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i guess my contention is that the Earth itself is a larger driver of climate change than man is. i think (?) we both agree that the Jet Stream(s) are the main driver of weather patterns on a global scale. if we take a look at volcanic activity on the Earth, it is decidedly more active in recent years, which then begs to reason that the same thing is happening with these underwater vents. when you have landmass building on the ocean floor, it also stands to reason that your deep sea currents are moving due to said land mass evolving. methane is another gas that contributes to a warming effect. it is generally believed that the permafrost in the arctic contains much of this methane. couple this with a changing jet stream and one compounds the other. that being said, i think that there is a good argument that there is currently the same amount of glacier coverage on both poles as there was at the turn of the 20th century.
  2. should we start a new thread, 'Andrew Luck excuse thread 2019'?
  3. https://twitter.com/JohnEkdahl/status/1088602656577335296
  4. we probably agree on a good number of things. part of being a good neighbor is telling you when your batshit crazy. i would hope that when i go off the rails (as we all do occasionally) someone has the gumption to tell me the same. what happened back when areas of the globe that were once arid are now are desert? did the people back then affect the earths climate or did the Earth just go through a period of change as it does periodically? global warming really is a misnomer, climate change is probably closer to a truism.
  5. you're an idiot. your the one who is anti-Semitic by not allowing them to go where they whilst.
  6. Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is; It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be; Thou know’st that this cannot be said A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead, Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pampered swells with one blood made of two, And this, alas, is more than we would do.
  7. it is no wonder we are going to hell in a handbasket.
  8. if you can't see that you brought that article here, thereby bringing the topic to a new low... there is nothing i can do to help you. nothing.
  9. yup, the disconnect is strong in this one.
  10. ummm.... you took it there when you brought the site here and quoted it. oye! is the disconnect that strong?
  11. i guess we can now throw the old axiom, 'offense wins games, defense wins championships', out the window now.
  12. just my opinion but, i think that the underwater volcanoes are building land mass and thereby altering the deep sea currents, which in turn affect the Jet Stream(s). the Earth goes through periods of change, just as all the planets in the solar system do.
  13. i'll bet the folks at the senior center just love him.
  14. There once was a man from Racine, Who invented a screwing machine. Both concave and convex, It could please either sex, But, oh, what a bastard to clean!
  15. not to mention the 'sales tax' that was obviously paid.
  16. right, an external saviour. imo, we would be much better off if people looked inward for the solutions to their problems instead of throwing them onto an external source.
  17. so... not understanding the difference between causation and correlation led you to opine about a correlation effect in which you found no causal reaction? did i get that right?
  18. doubling down on the thread fail i see. congrats.
  19. searching the image on Google seems to indicate that it is.
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