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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. The vampire Alberta stalks across the money market rates Ducks into a Hummer The vampire Alberta wears a bowtie and a pin that says "Support the arts" The vampire Alberta takes a photo for another slide In the Powerpoint of all the places he won't remember The vampire Alberta wipes an oily mouth along a sleeve Of forest in the foothills The vampire Alberta drools a perfect inky tailing pond And shakes awake The vampire Alberta lifts a nearly empty glass and pleads "I need another one of these, so keep 'em coming" Good times are coming ~ John K. Samson
  2. ahh yes, but are they related in any way to Asian Carp?
  3. which begs the question, why did we let him leave? did we even have an opportunity to retain him? did he believe he would be better suited to work with Jackson? was working with Roman too enticing to pass up? something sure seems odd here.
  4. so your saying... you don't agree with guys that are considered professionals for their analyses? i have not been following along, can you tell me why? is it because their observations do not align with your confirmation bias or is it something else entirely?
  5. https://twitter.com/bogartshollar/status/1090369366552526849
  6. could be but she would probably need a SJWarrior of @ExiledInIllinois caliber to adequately scream at the top of his lungs for her.
  7. can i call you a ***** lying idiot?
  8. his strongest suit is that he knows people, he understands what makes them tick.
  9. Justice Department gets Tough on China ... However, the story of Huawei does not begin or end with these recent charges. In fact, it stretches back a decade and incorporates espionage, the brazen theft of IP, and what amounted to a silent war between the US intelligence community, the Chinese company, and by extension, the Chinese government. What makes this story worse, are the tidbits of information gleaned from various legacy media reports it is apparent, members of our own government were not only complicit in allowing this to occur, but in some cases were participants. ...
  10. Maduro's days are numbered. https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1090342422511534081
  11. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1090352996385468416
  12. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1090349134660452352
  13. it was only a matter of time before they started eating their young. they just can't help themselves. Some Dems float idea of primary challenge for Ocasio-Cortez Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has infuriated colleagues by aligning with a progressive outside group that’s threatening to primary entrenched Democrats. Now some of those lawmakers are turning the tables on her and are discussing recruiting a primary challenger to run against the social media sensation. At least one House Democrat has been privately urging members of the New York delegation to recruit a local politician from the Bronx or Queens to challenge Ocasio-Cortez. “What I have recommended to the New York delegation is that you find her a primary opponent and make her a one-term congressperson,” the Democratic lawmaker, who requested anonymity, told The Hill. “You’ve got numerous council people and state legislators who’ve been waiting 20 years for that seat. I’m sure they can find numerous people who want that seat in that district.” ...
  14. EXCLUSIVE: FBI Ignored Major Lead on Clinton Emails, Closed-Door Testimonies Suggest Congressional investigators have gathered enough evidence to suggest that the FBI, under the Obama administration, ignored a major lead in the Clinton-email probe, according to transcripts of closed-door testimonies of several current and former bureau officials. The office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General informed the FBI in 2015 that a forensic review of Hillary Clinton’s emails unearthed anomalies in the metadata of the messages. The evidence in the metadata suggested that a copy of every email Hillary Clinton sent during her tenure as the secretary of state was forwarded to a foreign third party. The existence of the lead was first revealed during the public testimony of Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz in June last year. Horowitz acknowledged the existence of the specific lead and said he spoke about it to Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Charles McCullough. Yet despite the alarming nature of the referral, Horowitz’s 568-page report on the FBI’s handling the Clinton-email investigation made no mention of the lead or how the bureau handled it. The omission caught the attention of Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who pressed Horowitz for an explanation. Horowitz said he would get back to the committee with answers. ...
  15. i wonder if they stank? Woman kicked off flight for rant about sitting between ‘two big pigs’
  16. freakin' snoflakes. Senate panel postpones William Barr vote amid Democrats’ concerns The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday postponed a vote on attorney general nominee William Barr amid concerns by Democrats that he might not make public a final report on special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, who oversees the panel, announced that the vote to send Barr to the full Senate for a confirmation vote would be delayed, along with other nominees being considered by the committee. The vote will now take place on Feb. 5, according to a Democratic aide. The delay, which is not unusual, is not expected to affect Barr’s confirmation ...
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPwrC7RRPgw Elizabeth Pipko
  18. well, to be fair, i was being somewhat sarcastic. if we go by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee’s 2015 analysis of the last eight recessions, along with their aftermaths, “the Obama recovery was the weakest on record.” his annual GDP was 2.1% where by the end of his term(s) his expansion was just at 1.9%. hardly anything to crow about. not to mention, he singlehandedly destroyed healthcare (of course the whole thing stinks of an elite plan to foster single payer upon us). Trumps annual GDP to date of comfortably in the 3% range. the unemployment is at historical lows, essentially full employment across all demographic groups. that manufacturing Obama claimed would never come back and that Trump would need a magic wand to recover it, well, it is coming back. Trump's trade policies are beginning to take hold. His tariff wars are also beginning to bear fruit. i am also of the opinion that Obama should not have printed that money, that is not how a free market economy works. unsurprising that it happened but still, it should not have been.
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