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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ? JILA researchers uncover quantum structure of buckyballs
  2. begrudgingly, i have to say you are technically correct. however, the is a fair use doctrine of the copyright standard promotes the unlicensed use of copyrighted materials as long as they adhere to the guidelines. that being that a link is provided back to the sourced material and that no more than 50% of an article is copied. all of which assumes that it is being done for to comment upon, criticize, or parody. the DCMA speaks primarily to service providers but there is a trickle down effect which ultimately affects website owners who could then be liable and subjecdt to being served with a takedown notice.
  3. we are talking about TBD, correct? you can perma ban a user id but perma ban an individual that can easily change their IP and create a new user id, no.
  4. meh. you can't perma ban someone on a public board. i understand the sentiment, but you just can't.
  5. the business hiring and firing procedures are probably not something Trump concerns himself with at this stage or at any stage in recent years. i am guessing, though i could be wrong here, but that the only thing he looks at as far as that goes is what the bottom line is. i sensed your sarcasm, i only drew attention to it. to say he does not find it a national emergency is not being very genuine. he campaigned upon it, two years ago and was told he was going to get funding for it from Ryan. that he was lied to has kind of made it the emergency that it has evolved to. he is attempting to keep his campaign promises which is quite something in this day and age. when is the last time a politician kept as many campaign promises as Trump has seemed to? i can tell you it is not many, most tell their electorate what they want to hear and then when they get in orifice, they do what they want or are told to do. the Dems only think the wall is immoral because it is Trumps . they have all voted for a wall previously. they are just being hypocritical to yank any momentum they can from him because they know he is going to be tough to beat in '20. if he declares a national emergency, it gets dragged through the courts and it could be years before a final say is rendered. Trump knows this and it is why he is trying to do everything he can to not have to take that route. it has been reported the last few days by a governmental office that he doesn't even have to declare a national emergency to build it, he can just go ahead and do it by diverting appropriations already designated elsewhere.
  6. because he hired an illegal, it doesn't equate to a national emergency? for one the illegal probably lied to get hired, whether Trump Inc. knew that she was lying is immaterial here and not something you can conclusively prove, one way or the other. secondly, your statement about it being a national emergency unless Trump needs cheap labor is just dumb (i'm sorry but it just is) on the surface. are you insinuating that he no longer needs cheap labor?
  7. Fair Use Act Fair Use Act Bill H.R.1201 DMCA of 1998 Executive Summary Digital Millennium Copyright Act Section 104 Report
  8. yeah, i don't think so. i see B'Man's posts and everything he posts are in complete compliance with the DCMA and the Fair Use acts. i think you should apologize.
  9. richardhead. he was being honest in a nice way and you double down on your schtick? he is not alone in being befuddled from time to time from the meanderings that fall out of your fingertips.
  10. it used to be that only when used in statutes and contracts is the word, 'shall' compulsory. "Must" is the only word that imposes a legal obligation on your readers to tell them something is mandatory. ... Legal reference books like the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no longer use the word "shall." Even the Supreme Court ruled that when the word "shall" appears in statutes, it means "may."Sep 5, 2013 further: ... Until recently, law schools taught attorneys that "shall" means "must." That's why many attorneys and executives think "shall" means "must." It's not their fault. The Federal Plain Writing Act and the Federal Plain Language Guidelines only appeared in 2010. And the fact is, even though "must" has come to be the only clear, valid way to express "mandatory," most parts of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) that govern federal departments still use the word "shall" for that purpose. With time, laws evolve to reflect new knowledge and standards. During this transition, "must" remains the safe, enlightened choice not only because it imposes clarity on the concept of obligation, but also because it does not contradict any instance of "shall" in the CFRs." Right now, federal departments go through their documents to replace all the "shalls" with "must." It's a big hassle. If you look at page A-2, section q (PDF) of this link, it shows a sample of how a typical federal order describes this shift from "shall" to "must." Don't go through this tedious process. If you mean mandatory, write "must." If you mean prohibited, write "must not." ... reference
  11. right. sometimes it's not what a law says, but what it doesn't say. the problem with this is that these laws are being passed to supersede any federal repeal of Row v Wade.
  12. What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him everyday. What do you mean, "I don't support your system"? I go to court when I have to What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"? I got nothing better to do. And, what do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"? Why do you think I'm broke? Huh? If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line. But it better work this time. What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings"? I didn't know you had any feelings. What do you mean, "I ain't kind"? Just not your kind. What do you mean, "I couldn't be the President Of the United States of America"? Tell me something, it's still "We the people, " right? If there's a new way I'll be the first in line But it better work this time Can you put a price on peace? Peace, Peace sells, Peace, Peace sells, Peace sells, but who's buying? Peace sells, but who's buying? Peace sells, but who's buying? Peace sells, but who's buying? No, peace sells
  13. who knew. being that i am an introvert at heart, i have never done well in group social settings. any more than three other people and i tend to clam up and look for a way out. though i have to confess that it has gotten easier over the years as i have kind of learned what the art of conversation is all about. not that i am able to always practice it but at least i now understand the basics of it. back when i was thinking of going into business for myself, the biggest question mark i had was how was i going to be able to interact with people i had never met before. would i be able to come out of my shell enough to sell people on myself and my abilities. it was hard to take the final step and just say ***** it, it's either going to work or it isn't. i then began to find out something about myself that i never knew i had in me. i also found out that i actually enjoy it, i enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and getting to know them in a brief sort of way. the biggest difference between the social atmosphere and the business atmosphere is that usually there is a purpose in the business environment and those encounters are mostly brief. whereas that is not usually the case in a social setting and because of that, i still struggle to this day. be careful, there are psychos out there. when this happens, you run like hell and don't turn back.
  14. i'm not sure but it was probably wrapped in a cellophane which can be very static. when he slid down it with his jeans, presto a big problem.
  15. AAF, what is that? Awkward As *****?
  16. i agree completely, though i don't know about the attractive part, i'll have to take your word for that. watching a game Tony is commenting on is actually enjoyable.
  17. why did i bring up Taylor? lol. i used it as support for my argument of not only your confirmation bias but, apparently to your cognitive dissonance, as well. you claim that PFF using NINE categories was overly intricate and impossible to chart but when you did it, it was okay. understand? i trust PFF because analysis over yours because they don't carry the same bias as you do, nothing more, nothing less. as to your part about JA's accuracy out of college, PFF glossing over his stats and PFF's, 'discarding throwaways or batted/tipped passes', i don't know what to tell you. yes, JA probably didn't get the extreme scrutiny other 1A QB's did in school and that most of it was based upon the games he played against 1A schools. but it was based upon observations made and there were games that he was not close to being on target in several areas. he has displayed some of that in his rookie year, if one were to claim he hasn't, that is just being dishonest. his stats were affected in a myriad of ways and yes, a glossing over of them was most likely one but not a totally inaccurate summary. can he correct it, he made strides this past year but the book is not closed at this early juncture, he still has a ways to go. with regard to throwaways and tipped/batted passes, not sure what you are trying to insinuate here but if a ball is thrown away, does it count in his overall stats if viewed on the curve you are projecting? same with tipped batted balls, though that category is somewhat different. do you understand that although you 'tried to absolutely throw your subjectivity out', that there is a good chance there was still some there? no, i won't do the exercise myself. one my bias would get in the way, because i am a homer. two, i don't have the time nor the desire, it will borne itself out in the coming days. three, if your track record wasn't what it is in these evaluations, i would give them more credence. like i said, i do admire the effort and the perseverance to think that every QB the Bills have is simply the best. with that i will resume the sideline watch and leave you to your thread for now.
  18. i forget which thread we we're talking about the dude in, but.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX8TMYRk6_w
  19. i am far from religious but i do consider myself to be spiritual. these fascist bastards aren't going to be satisfied until they have complete control over every single ***** aspect of our lives. New York’s War on Religious Education ... The new guidelines revisit the “substantial equivalency” statute that has kept the peace in New York schools since 1897. Non-public schools can educate their students as they see fit, provided the education is “substantially equivalent” to public schools. The new guidelines change the equation. Math must be taught every day. English, science, and social studies must be taught. Schools must provide samples of teaching schedules, textbooks, and lesson plans. Non-compliant schools risk withdrawal of funding for things like textbooks and transportation, and students ultimately could be forced to go to another school. Students that resist transfer risk being declared “truant” and legal steps to challenge parental competency could follow. The new mandates will be enforced by inspections from local school district officials. ... is it any wonder i have anarchistic tendencies?
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