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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. KIM CLEMENT PROPHECY – Trump, Supreme Court, MAGA
  2. when i say something, my wife always thinks i'm inferring something. i am not i always mean what i say. on the other hand, when my wife says something, i take her at her word, yet she is always inferring something other than what she said. it's a Venus/Mars thing.
  3. if you can print trillions of dollars out of thin air with no real repercussions, does debt/deficits matter?
  4. the first is something grown in a field. the latter is something called the government.
  5. apologies for the Breibart one, but it was video of the angelmoms, shooting the messenger is not always the best approach. here is one to replace the Breitbart video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IvlJecisWM
  6. wha?? let me see if i understand this correctly... i am moving the goal posts because i pointed out that the argument you have been making is not based upon the reference material you provided to support your argument? oh boy, i can see there is a strong disconnect going here. wrong again. words have meaning. i am arguing against the words you are using. if you are not expressing yourself clear enough, that is not my fault nor my problem. you have absolutely no idea of my position upon racial matters as you have not asked and i have not proffered. my counter to your argument was that you have no argument. now if you would like to engage me on the topic of racial matters, i suggest you do so outside of this thread and forum as it is not really the place for it. and, i will respond to your engagement on it.
  7. you are completely and entirely off your rocker, Tibs. what in the *****ity ***** does the rate at which Americans commit crimes have to do with the rate of crimes committed by people who have absolutely no legal right to be in this country in the first place? has your mind atrophied that much from the progressive poisoning?
  8. you are aware that that article is referring to sports journalism and their depiction of black athletes, right? nothing whatsoever about coaches, owners is spoken to in there. as such your argument is not based upon the supporting material provided. now you are trying to conflate two totally different issues into being on the same level here. that does not work, sorry. to do what you are attempting to do, you have to have apples and apples, not apples and oranges, kabisch?
  9. read the quoted material, he stated, 'black athletes'.
  10. how did i know you were going to move the goal posts? i can tell you i am not psychic. you said, and i quote, 'black athletes'. however, on to your goal post moved tangent... i maintain my initial argument in response. the QB is the most important position on the field. do you honestly believe that an owner, a coach, the players would not want to see the best qualified man at the position? of course they would, they want to win, period. the best way to win is to put the best player at that and all other positions. be they black, white, yellow, purple or pink, all that matters is who is going to give you the best chance to win. i am truly sorry if you took offense to my stated position that the argument is just plain stupid. i have a belief that the reason we are in the societal mess we currently find ourselves in today, is because of all the stupid ***** PC that is rampant in the world because a bunch of idiot snowflakes are too sensitive. well guess what, the only remedy for that is to be completely ***** honest and damn the torpedoes. again, i am truly sorry if my words offended you but, too bad. put your big girl panties on.
  11. i'll say what i have been thinking for the last two days now... it never happened.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XcfVZwAX8A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNr0em3Ktpk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdAU9HnJu7M do you need more, because i can post more.....
  13. plenz, come on. you don't really expect the legacy media, you know the one Trump declared war on, to report anything remotely positive in relation to Trump. or, conversely, against their democratic agenda? they are no longer journalists, they are activists. if you can't see that then you have a severe problem of having been brain(ball)washed. the new media is the peoples media. granted this makes finding the truth somewhat harder but that is what it is. i suggest doing your own research outside of the legacy media and when applicable, go directly to the source and form your own judgments. to help you on this, #angelmoms, read what they have to say for themselves and get back to me, k?
  14. ever wonder what it's all about? you're in luck, i have the answer for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgy65ilrrpA
  15. did obummers deficits in excess of $1trillion have a significant impact?
  16. i understand what you said here but i would just like to point out that it is not this site, it is Fakebook. once you are infected, they follow you everywhere you go and know everything you do, post.. whatever. they are the NSA's darling.
  17. cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5UsRDS-wqI
  18. a not so great that the economy couldn't get out of it's own way with Obummer running it.
  19. i see this argument a lot around here and it is just plain stupid. it doesn't appear that you have any idea of the reality that exists in the NFL today? the reality is that, by far, black athletes dominate the make up. currently black athletes make up approximately 70% of the league. if they were, judged more harshly' it would seem to reason that they wouldn't dominate the rosters. teams want to win, period. it doesn't matter if your black, white, yellow, purple or pink. if your better than the guy behind you, you play. plain and simple. people pushing the narrative that blacks are discriminated against in sports do more harm to blacks than anything else. leave the small crap at the curb.
  20. most forum software has that ability. what it can not account for is someone resetting their IP. you can force it if you know how.
  21. the more you use the less fair your use is likely to be. 50%m is a general rule of thumb. B-Mans images most certainly contain a link back to the source. said images are also in the 'public domain'. SDS could be affected by DCMA and thusly trickle down to B'Man if a takedown were issued.
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