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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. they have to protect their snowflakes, you know. after all, what would they do if they all melted?
  2. lemme guess... your in your 29th trimester. as a general rule, i would say it's too late, but for you....
  3. editorial Trump Delivers For Workers … After Years Of Empty Obama Promises
  4. Immigrant rights attorneys and journalists denied entry into Mexico
  5. nothing new, thanks to DR but an good read all the same. Schiff for Brains Misleads Congress
  6. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1092445418141696007
  7. sure we are. whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the battle is for your mind.
  8. hey, i'm equal opportunity. i hate eveyone the same.
  9. you need to have your internet taken away.
  10. a bag of pianos?? can honestly say i have never heard that before.
  11. the Patriots suck. even when they suck, they win. someone wake me from this nightmare
  12. i think you're right. your racism is more fear based.
  13. careful, people (read: Dems) have been known to want to punch smirkers.
  14. CIA Democrats Conducts Overt Operation in Halls of Congress ... It is no wonder that military-intelligence candidates amassed huge campaign war chests that effectively shut out any potential rivals, an indication that the financial backers of the Democratic Party have lined up behind them, making Iran Contra funding mechanism look like child’s play in retrospect. It can only get worse. The political establishment will be preoccupied with Trump for now. It has waited with bated breath to get revenge in the style of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. And all the while this new generation of wise guys will start making hay while the sun shines. We were warned, and the writing was on the wall with the Democratic cozying up with so called intelligence assets; those same people who were only too eager for fight for the wrong cause in Afghanistan or Iraq. They will be the first to beat the drums for new engagements in faraway places that few can find on a map—and what most Americans could care less about.
  15. i would be willing to bet that there is a larger objective in mind here with regard to the '87 treaty. it is rumored that China has been deploying large number of missiles in Asia that we, nor Russia can counter because of this treaty. Beijing: No expansion of INF treaty to cover China Chinese President Xi Jinping doesn’t want to negotiate expanding a landmark Cold War nuclear arms control treaty to cover Beijing’s military, a top Communist diplomat said Saturday. “It would involve a series of complicated political, military and legal issues to make the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty multilateral, and many countries remain concerned about this,” Geng Shuang, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Saturday. “A higher priority is to maintain and fully implement the existing treaty rather than establishing a new one.” Geng rebuffed the thought of an expanded treaty on the same day that the President Trump’s administration sent the formal notification to Russia that the United States would withdraw from the INF treaty, which bans ground-based intermediate range cruise missiles. U.S. officials, dating back to President Barack Obama’s administration, have accused Russia of violating the agreement and necessitating the American exit. “China opposes the U.S. withdrawal and urges the U.S. and Russia to properly deal with disputes through constructive dialogue,” Geng said. Russia denies violating the pact, but both parties agree that the treaty has the side effect of imposing legal obligations on Russian and American forces while leaving China — which is not a party to the deal — free to develop the otherwise-illicit missiles. U.S. officials assess that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motives for authorizing the treaty violations stemmed, in part, from concern about Chinese stockpiles. ... this is most likely a move by both Russia and the US to get China under a treaty umbrella.
  16. i'll have to take your word for it as i don't know a whole lot about it all. i think though that 4g utilizes some of the 1900 Mhz band which is far from the UHF band.
  17. i thought everything after 1G was digital?
  18. the conspiracy theorist in me says that the whole transfer of OTA signals was established to benefit the OTA broacasters. $10 billion is a pretty lucrative side benefit to the transition. nothing more than a money grab. what was wrong with broadcasting both analog and digital as they did for some years.
  19. https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1092068309451849729
  20. again, yeah, no. you do realize an expert means that they are an expert, right? this means that they should be able to do whatever it is they are an expert in. some experts may be lawyers but that, in and itself doesn't preclude non lawyers. further, i agree that the judicial is the final word on what and how a law may be interpreted but again, you are giving the legislative a pass when most of the legislative is comprised of lawyers. ambiguity is incorporated in some laws for a reason again, we as the electorate look to our legislators to accurately depict what a law may mean. if they tell us that such and such says this and that, they may be wrong but the general electorate won't know that being as most of them are either brain dead or they just don't pay enough attention outside of sound bites and headlines. it is incumbent upon them to know of what they speak (oh... right, we are talking about our congress... my bad). the legislature had better have a damn good idea of what they are doing or the laws they pass are pretty useless. giving them a pass and saying we have to let the judicial have the final say is ludicrous and giving our law makers a pass where they don't deserve one..
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