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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. to my way of thinking, he either wants it for re-election fodder and/or he wants them to be his little B words.
  2. there is also the weekly adjustment to their take home pay to consider. for many Americans, their take home went up considerably. if they did not adjust their withholding status, then it is somewhat to be expected.
  3. so... if indeed Trump gets his wall funding, does then the shutdown become Nancy's?
  4. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1093610228996886528 wait until the 9th Circuit Court gets a hold of it...
  5. https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1093265544189366272
  6. gotta be something in the Democrats water in VA. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1093589841168740368
  7. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1093595422705307648
  8. most times it's not about getting somewhere with them. it's more about not letting a fallacy slide by. that's why.
  9. and Trump has stated that he is for free trade as well. he has offered to remove all tariffs if reciprocated. the problem is that there is no free trade. Trump is striving to remove the disadvantages we have suffered for a long time.
  10. i used to drive across the George Washington bridge everyday. are you looking to buy a bridge?
  11. what is apparently lost upon you, is that the Dems don't believe in unity. they don't even believe in the USA and while funny is truly sad if you stop to think about it.
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    yeah, no. if you don't have your private keys, you don't own your cryptos. this is a lesson that not everyone has learned. one would think that in the, long ago wake of the Mt. Gox fiasco, that it would be a no brainer to only have what you are comfortable losing on an exchange or a futures market. it somewhat blows my mind that people play a futures market with cryptos, i understand the whys but... i don't. one of the basic tenets of cryptos is removing the middleman and fractionalized gaming. there is no possible way that these exchanges hold all the BTC that they are said to. there is a finite amount so we know for a fact they can't. a recent movement called, "Proof of Keys", urges all hodlers to remove their holdings on January 3rd of each year to hold these exchange/markets accountable for their custodianship. as evidenced by this past January, where not many did it, it hasn't quite taken hold. i don't know if it ever will but it is a good idea. without it and allowing these ***** to manipulate crypto, it is just the same old, same old. however, the mechanisms are there so it could be done at any point. a crisis of confidence would be all that would be required to spark it. however, if it comes to a confidence crisis to expose the fractionalization of it all to expose it, those who are long are going to get screwed.
  13. i think today's silence from the left is deafening. they have backed themselves so far into a corner, they must all be huddling to try and figure out the next talking point to wiggle their way out of this mess they have.
  14. they're eating themselves. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1092532213264990208
  15. and... there it is... the second stupidest thing i'll read today.
  16. id e ots Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer's plan to limit buybacks shows how Democrats see an opening to hammer Trump on tax cuts in 2020
  17. https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1092514859378450432
  18. i'm kind of embarrassed to admit that when i began to open this thread, i half expected to see that Josh Allen was ranked #1. ?
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